Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
WR102ka 13 Sep, 2014 @ 12:06pm 
:) Do you like some more comments?
N 21 Apr, 2010 @ 3:00am 
i ran outa space.... foxcon blood rage ony if u have budget but obviosly u dnt :) Bloodrage is the COOLEST luking mobo ever
N 21 Apr, 2010 @ 2:59am 
uhhh dude lol in ur dreams ay xD
if u really r gna get that rig i suggest u get wc for ur cpu with a 360 rad and 3 ultra kaze's (these ultra kaze fans can give 140cfm). Also gtx480 SLI isnt really worth getting unless u want another heater cause they run 90oC on load >.> ATI is prob da best atm, i suggest Xfire 5870's lyk me cause they give best performance and they scale the best. However u cud tri fire 5870's for the bigger epenis but u need 2 OC ur 980x cause i think i mt bottlenek ur gcards, hence the wc system. Even if u tri fire its cheaper than 2 gtx 480s lawl. K now 4 ur mobo the evga 4 way SLI is not gud.. trust me overpriced tbh and i dnt lyk them but its up 2 u. You myt as well get da asus rampage III extreme wen it comes out cause its an insane OC'r and it can do a ♥♥♥♥ load of mutiple gpu configs with usb 3 and sata 6. Either that u cud get a foxconn bloodrage (not GTI) off ebay cuase the stopped producing if ur into OC'in.