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投稿日: 2024年11月30日 4時17分

A game that had huge potential but goes through ups and downs and lost nearly 90% playerbase due to devs not thinking what players want. But they are slowly making up for it and the game is worth it for hundreds of hours of fun with friends.
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9 件のコメント
Archivist 2024年12月26日 15時24分 
that 90% we're hype players, people who only play for the hype of the game or what those losers call "flavor of the month", nothing more. the average count the past few months even before the illuminate were hovering around 110k during peak hours with 40 to 50k during weekdays, which is a little higher than the expected player count.
Resident NATO Freedom Enjoyer 2024年12月21日 15時18分 

Imagine wanting your game to lose players. This is the mentality of many an online game that leads to it being dead and quiet. Rethink what removing the players from the game would do to you.
LH 2024年12月18日 11時15分 
And boy was I happy in the time these players left the game. Now we got 150k people back whos attention span is a mere 5 minutes, who are bad at the game and are only back because of the hype. by end of january these people will be gone again.
C4S 2024年12月17日 23時46分 
It did lose more than 90%
Hellish_39 2024年12月15日 9時44分 
Arrowhead is partially to blame. They've made the game insanely difficult (which isn't bad) but they nerfed everything the majority of players were using to beat missions (which is bad). They made the game hard but not fun, and there's no point in a hard game unless its fun (with exceptions that Helldivers 2 shouldn't be in).
KingdimCumhole 2024年12月13日 20時28分 
90 percent of player base? *checks community hub and sees 144k active players a year after release*
Camdol 2024年12月12日 15時59分 
Pretty sure the 90% playerbase was on SONY and not on Arrowhead...

Report to your Democracy officer for reassignment to freedom camp
[GMB] Malevelon 2024年12月10日 9時30分 
Your Democratic Officer says they can smell you from here, spending 700+ hrs deployed and have sent me, to send you to mandatory showering for a week and a mandate of 6hrs of sunlight and the touch of grass for 5 minutes for the next 14 days.
Zoey 2024年11月30日 19時00分 
Reported to democratic officer for misleading citizens :steammocking: