Willow Naibsel
All we're ever going to achieve in life is death.   Australia
Hey, name's Willow...

You're actually reading this? I guess I'll tell you some stuff about me then...

Age: You don't need to know that...

Gender: Female

Relationship Status: Single

Sexuality: Bisexual (but I've liked more girls than guys. Doesn't mean I don't like guys tho!)

I don't usually play games, because, as you can see, I don't have many at all, but I want to get some more soooo...

I'm kinda surprised you read this...?

Join my group if you want! It's called Gay Days.

I cleaned out my Friends List recently, and I won't accept any Friend Requests if I don't know you personally...

I know I'm at a really low Steam level, but, I don't have many games, so I can't actaully raise it. Don't worry, I'm working on it... ._.