Gray Matter Guerrilla
A tyranny demands what people cannot do.
A free society demands what government cannot do.
Peaceful protests are a tyrant's entertainment.
It's impossible to legislate the unlawful or regulate the immoral.

Only a fool believes words on paper, acting as law, will control the unruly. The more this becomes evident, lawmakers respond not with common sense or logic, but with a frenzy of gavel-banging and legal speak, hoping to find the right combination of words that magically calms the demented and prevents the inevitable.

Lawmakers might as well be snake-oil salesmen, and enough fools exist to keep them in business.
Government's definition of "help":
Politicians "help" by reaching into your wallet/purse and grabbing half your money. In return, they tell you it's for “your own good” and hand you a 'Vote 4 Me' sticker.
Bureaucrats "help" by reaching into your wallet/purse and stealing the other half of your money. They require you to fill out a form, and in return, grant you a 'permit' to provide them even more money in the future.
已运行 2,172 小时
Video accurately sums up the Squad Dev/Steam Mod experience:

Update Sep 2023 (6.0 update): Latest major update introduced a ton more weapon sway, slower aiming, more recoil, etc. IT IS ABSOLUTE DOG CRAP! And I say this as someone who prefers more sway, recoil, etc., to push into "realism" and away from arcade-like games, but this is beyond ridiculous.
Aiming precisely is so painfully slow and tedious now most players prefer to camp. Why? Run 5 feet and try to aim - it's like you sprinted a mile with asthma and cerebral palsy. I kid you's absolutely horrible. Even point-shooting / hip-firing is completely broken now. And if you thought suppression was bad before...WOWOW

This is honestly so bad I'm thinking someone in charge is trying to intentionally sabotage this game? At this point, kudos to you - if that's the case - b/c the Squad Mods on Steam need to be unemployed for sure. :)

Feb 2023: Recent update caused most servers to downgrade from 100 player count to 80 (or less), otherwise, servers crashed or experienced horrendous stuttering and rubber-banding. Well done Devs; you're literally downgrading the game with "updates". It's to the point that even long time, well known influencers on YouTube have begun to question the future of Squad. The recent micro transactions were certainly a part of it.

Jan 2023: Devs have now added micro-transactions for in-game "emotes" and hinted at gun/character skins in the future despite promising they would NEVER add DLC's or microtransactions. Might as well rename the game to Squad:GO.

October 2022: More crashes than ever before. Yay! And the Forum Mods are banning people for pointing this out. *facepalm*

September 3 2022: Latest patch introduced even more bugs (silent vehicles; ghost audio bugs; movement/interaction glitches; etc.) and worse performance for many players. Players with 3090 GPU's have reported horrible FPS (60 frames or less).

March 2022: Recent patch killed FPS. Players that had 100+ frames are now getting 50-75 frames. Overall quality / performance continues to worsen as this game "progresses".

Avoid! Another company that knowingly adds the "Red Shell" spyware into their games.

More info:

Abusive Devs/Mods on Forums: dissenting opinions on their forums are met with kicks & bans. Legitimate criticism is deleted with permanent bans given like candy. While several trolls have been banned for good reason, plenty of people are banned for no justified reason.

Meanwhile, their Mods actively tout steam names like "ACAB" (All Cops Are Bastards) with Antifa flags as their profile pics. Politics and "divisive topics" aren't allowed, but as usual, Devs and Mods are free to break their own rules.
(Screen shots to support this)

I received a forum ban for suggesting they use the term "Christmas" instead of the generic term "holiday" in their 'Happy Holiday' post. That's it. Banned. Nothing offensive said or meant. So much for the Christmas spirit and their respect for the paying customer! :D
(And yes, I have screen shots of this too.)

Sadly, I'm not the only customer who's been abused. This Developer has a horrible track record.
Promises have been made to add various things which were not kept, along with delay after delay. Optimization is getting worse with each new update. Changes made to game play that make NO sense. And plenty more to criticize (that would result in a ban if said on the forums!)

The player base is typically good & fun to play with though! The graphics are above average. Those are the only positives I can think of.

TL;DR: Avoid! due to abusive Developer and Red Shell spyware.
Greta Thunberg is here to preach that blacksmithing and riding horses dooms the Earth! #GlobalSmelting!
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Various Observations
“…for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.” - George Eliot’s "Middlemarch"
Critical Race Theory: All whites are inherently racist. Everything is systematically and institutionally racist against minorities.

Common Sense: Then how - and more importantly why - did slavery, Jim Crow and segregation end by the efforts (and blood) of the majority white population?
Marxism is the philosophy for the greedy, selfish, ignorant, naive, gullible and stupid.

"But it can't be greedy, it gives land and resources to all the people!" they say. Where in the history of Marxism has this occurred? Never!
Sure, the peasants (aka proletariat) worked and lived on the land, but only b/c they were forced to. The land was never theirs. Nothing was theirs, not even the food in their bellies, as this was 'government property' (wrongly called 'the people's property'). The people were forced out of their homes onto designated areas and put to slave labor by force.

"But surely, Marxism isn't selfish. It redistributes resources and wealth to the needy!" some will say.
When has this ever achieved "economic equality" like it was supposed to? Under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Gorbachev, Peron, Hitler, et. al., did the poor ever rise to the economic status like their wealthy Marxist rulers? Never! The poor got poorer under Marxism, but they were continuously led to believe life was better. The working class lived as dogs as their Utopian ruling class lived in luxury; this trend continues today.

"But Marxism is a philosophy to be understood by the educated, not the stupid, gullible, naive and ignorant!" others will claim.
Then why did so many failures of mass proportion come out of socialist and communist nations? Why did they never correct their failures, but instead, continue making the same mistakes over and over? Equality of anything never condensed into a reality. Minorities, and people in general, stayed weak economically, socially and politically. Wealth redistribution only went to the ones in power, as did the land. Power never lay in the hands of the masses, but only the few in power.

There has never been a Marxist country or society where the goals of that philosophy were achieved. Not one instance! Yet, there are people who lie to themselves and believe it so.

So, my friend, once again, Marxism is the philosophy for the greedy, selfish, ignorant, naive, gullible and stupid. If someone believes the opposite, then I hope your life as a pawn and cannon fodder isn't too painful and oppressive. May you be forever happy with the inequality and abject failure of Marxism. Ignorance is sometimes bliss as some say.

*Note: What is the difference between Marxism and socialism, communism, national socialism, fascism, etc.?
In a nutshell, Marxism is the philosophy (idea) of government and it's relation to society. Socialism, communism, national socialism (Nazi) and fascism are different forms of government which operate under the philosophy (idea) of Marxism. Socialists, communists, nazi's, fascists, etc. are ALL Marxists, as they all share core principles of the Marxist philosophy. Hopefully that clears the confusion up. To simplify: Marxism = general idea. Socialist/communist/nazi/etc. = forms of government.

**To the under-educated: Contrary to popular notion, fascism is a form of Marxism. Mussolini, like Adolf Hitler, created his own unique form of government based upon the Marxist philosophy. Many, many books exist which elaborate upon this. Fascism and Nazism are very similar to Stalin's Communism and Mao's Communism, along with other communist and socialist dictators. They are not polar opposites.
--------Random Thoughts-------
Freedom is a right for all of mankind, but more importantly, a responsibility for individuals choosing to be free. Just because a right exists on paper does not mean that right actually exists in society. More often than not, it doesn't. Look at China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Mexico, Phillipines, etc. for examples. They all have “rights” listed in constitutions and other sorts of legal documents, but none are actually practiced. Anyone who believes that government secures their freedom is the equivalent of a pig believing the butcher keeps it safe.
This doesn't mean government is worthless, but only means the power and reach of that government should be limited and constantly kept in check by the people themselves.

If you don't have something worth dying for, then you have nothing worth living for.

Forcing one man to give what another man wants or needs is not freedom, but slavery for both. Dependence for one, servitude for the other.

Politicians definition of 'freedom' and 'equality' means everyone but themselves in chains; whether physically, intellectually or financially makes no difference.

Knowledge truly is power. Which is why it shouldn't surprise anyone that the parents of home-schoolers face prison time, despite the lack of media attention...
Despite more and more funding each year, the US public (aka government) education system produces ignorant, uneducated and barely literate children / adults.

If you don't believe the mainstream media spreads propaganda for the benefit of themselves and those in power, then you must like that taste of kool-aid!

The fool who said, "Violence solves nothing!" never met tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Peron, Castro, etc.

Can't wait for the DMV-style run government-healthcare system! Perhaps FEMA or TSA employees can assist the incompetence?

Germans gave up their personal firearms and consented to their complete protection by their government; Hitler and the National Socialists did a fine job of that! Disarming societies has always been a primary goal of tyrants, and almost always leads to the oppression and demise of that people.
----Evolution Misconceptions & Myths----
Some believe the theory of evolution is 1 theory, when it's really a multitude of theories under a large umbrella. Some ideas within evolution compete and even conflict with each other. Obviously, they all can't be right.

Many believe evolution is “fact”, when it is theory. This doesn't mean evolution is wrong; as some parts of the theory seem to have good supporting evidence (i.e. micro evolutionary theories). It simply means there needs to be further investigation and research, along with scientific discrimination when facts seem to point some of the sub-theories into the “probably wrong” versus “probably right” spectrum. Often, bias among scientists get in the way.

Evolution does not prove that a Supreme Power does not exist, regardless of the claims; and a Christian can believe in several theories under evolution (those that are backed by science) b/c those do not conflict with the Bible. The theories of evolution (i.e. macro evolution, etc.) that do conflict with the Bible actually have little to no scientific evidence to support the claims.

Many make the claim that since humans share a large percentage of DNA with various primates, this proves humans came from apes, but that's assuming a lot and not basing it on fact. Humans share about 25% of the same DNA as rice grains, around 50% with bananas, and this goes on and on.

Darwin (1809–1882) himself never made the claim that humans evolved from apes.
The skeletal “discoveries” which supposedly proved the “missing-link” (ape to human) have all been scientific mistakes or intentional frauds. The “missing-link” is still missing.
Funny Text
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My PC Got A Virus :(
7 3 1
Cyberpunk 2077 - It's World vs Reality
Cyberpunk 2077's world is (mostly) divided into two classes: the few but ultra wealthy and the masses of poor. In other words, the tiny but well-off 'haves' versus the overwhelming 'have-nots'. In the game, this is a result of "hyper Capitalism", which in the real world may result in that very issue, but reality has never experienced hyper-capitalism before. However, we have experienced an ideology which does produce a tiny but all powerful ruling class over the majority of impoverished people: Marxism and all of it's unique forms.

All over the world (the real world, not Night City), but especially of the 'third world', Marxism flourishes with it's primary goal of uplifting the poor masses. Yet, wherever this ideology exists, the poor are shoved into misery and poverty while the very small but very wealthy ruling class lives with abundance, exactly like the two classes in Cyberpunk.

Also in the real world, the ruling class (aka "haves") are given great freedoms to do as they please with little to no consequences while the regular citizens are left holding the bag and brutalized either by corrupt officials and/or gangs. Again, we have no real world examples of this from "hyper Capitalism", but this occurs frequently in Marxist driven countries. One only needs to look to Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, Costa Rica, all over Africa, SE Asia and more to witness the blurry lines between government and criminal cartels.

CP77 does it's best to blame Capitalism on it's fictitious evils, but the real world teaches us the true villain which is Marxism and all of it's 'glorious' forms. Replacing one word for another doesn't change the outcome nor it's definition.

So despite CP77 scapegoating an ideology/economic system that the Devs despise, they showed a futuristic society that could actually occur in the West; just one that won't stem from a capitalist origin but from a Marxist driven agenda. One where sex addiction and sexual deviancy is as rampant as drug addiction and crime; and the individual matters only to the extent that the all-powerful 'haves' allow for the collective good. All of these issues are talking points and 'hurrahs!' of the modern day Marxist. Coincidence?

Regardless, Night City allows everyone to be a rare unicorn – but is a unicorn special if everyone else is also a unicorn? If everyone is tattooed, pierced, dyed hair, gender modified and more, then what's special about anyone? Hmm...
And then there's the fact that unicorns often attract trophy hunters... But I digress.

Last but not least, it's always odd that these Developers rail against capitalism while enjoying the fruits of a capitalist system (i.e. earning massive profits by selling their games to consumers). They could have easily given their game (labor) away for free to us poor, proletariat gamers, right!?

Alas, hypocrisy is a Marxist's best friend, just like CP77's lore.
Ladyhawke 2 月 11 日 上午 11:31 
Thank you for your posts in the Trump discernment is running high with some of the other posts.
Gray Matter Guerrilla 2 月 9 日 上午 6:45 
rofl @ Okda.... you made a mistake and now mad at me for pointing that out. I was actually on your side. Carry on, genius.
Ender 1 月 23 日 下午 9:27 
Gray, Saw the request and thought "Eh, why not? Seems pretty Based (as the kids say)", but thought I'd let you know -
I'm not someone most get along with; I'm a Neo-Reactionary Nationalist extremist that doesn't believe in the Abrahamic God, and holds a disdain towards the Libertarian ideology ( I should probly put this in my Bio).

Turtle 'follows' me for some odd reason, but you might feel otherwise, so I thought I'd let you know.
In short, I'm highly offensive to most people. Especially woke D.E.I Freaks.
zail 1 月 20 日 上午 4:31 
Thx for the prayers<3 I am tho sad to share the news that gramps passed away earlier in january...
Gray Matter Guerrilla 1 月 6 日 下午 5:59 
@Dedo - :104: I wish you all the best.
@UX1 - You too my friend!
UX1∴73C 1 月 4 日 上午 10:46 
I may be a few days late, but happy :BH2_::BH0::BH2_::BH5:. A full rotation of the Earth, sure, but another year of having such clever and diligent associates like you, Gray.

Stay frosty. :tgrin: