Играно вр. за 14 дни:

Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
Трябва да сте влезли, за да може да сравнявате тази статистика с Вашата
23 от 31 (74%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Amasia Investigation Intern

Bring back 1 surveillance log found on surveys of Old Amasia.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 21:52

Treasure Hunter

Collect an artifact and fill in a missing piece of Amasia's timeline.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 17:13

Check This Out!

Collect multiple artifacts and fill in 10 missing pieces of Amasia's timeline.
Откл. на 15 февр. в 17:03

Magus Skills 101

Use a Magus Skill 100 times.
Откл. на 7 февр. в 21:55

Amateur DIYer

Craft 1 type of item.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 14:08

Crafting Apprentice

Craft 10 different items.
Откл. на 27 ян. в 20:39

A True Artisan

Craft 20 different items.
Откл. на 30 ян. в 19:32

House of Spores

Complete 1 renovation on the garage.
Откл. на 24 ян. в 23:29


Complete 10 renovations on the garage.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 17:03

Extreme Renovator

Complete 20 renovations on the garage.
Откл. на 26 ян. в 11:44

Just Drifting Out

Complete 4 requests from your affiliated organization.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 12:31

Professional Drifter

Complete 25 requests from your affiliated organization.
Откл. на 26 ян. в 14:59

Master Drifter

Complete 50 requests from your affiliated organization.
Откл. на 8 февр. в 12:53


Deal a total of 500000 damage.
Откл. на 27 ян. в 22:00

Load It Up!

Return from the surface with a cargo weight of 6000 or higher.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 18:54

Pocket Money

Earn a total of 500000 in cash from AO Crystal conversion.
Откл. на 3 февр. в 17:53

Taking the Initiative

Defeat 500 Enders.
Откл. на 26 ян. в 19:11

Welcome Home

Return from the surface.
Откл. на 24 ян. в 23:10

Longing For Home

Return from the surface 100 times.
Откл. на 1 февр. в 14:23

Just In Case

Take out insurance before going on a sortie.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 15:52

Also Known As

Show off your new title.
Откл. на 27 ян. в 22:47

Magus Fashionista

Change your Magus's clothes.
Откл. на 24 ян. в 23:15

Splish Splash

Clean your Magus.
Откл. на 25 ян. в 16:34

World's Best Magus

Use a Magus Skill 1000 times.
132 / 1,000

Sitting Ducks

Deal a total of 5000000 damage.
2,050,288 / 5,000,000

That's the Spirit!

Defeat 2500 Enders.
2,432 / 2,500

Certified Exterminator

Defeat 8000 Enders.
2,432 / 8,000

Home Sweet Home

Return from the surface 300 times.
214 / 300

Legendary Drifter

Unlock all achievements.

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