BANNED// C.Antonio Wins Power
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Tempo de uso: 1059 hours
Comprado em: 3/dez/2016
banimento(s) VAC ou de jogos em registro

1 1
AHJUBIELU 2017年6月29日 16時28分 
Vários banimentos VAC em registro | Informações
90 dia(s) desde o último banimento
BANNED// C.Antonio Wins Power 2017年3月31日 17時17分 
Thank you for submitting additional information about your VAC ban. This information will be forwarded to the Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) team.

Please note that you will not receive another response to this help request. Even though the VAC team is unable to respond to individual inquiries, they review help requests submitted through this path.

Please feel free to respond to this help request with any other information you would like to share about your ban. Even though help request tickets are automatically closed after 14 days with no activity, the contents of your help request will remain available for review by the VAC team and will remain associated with your account.
Dottling 2017年3月29日 22時14分 
🔱 FALAQUEENOIS 🔱 2017年2月14日 12時42分 
1 banimento VAC em registro
isso q é ser um lixo.
1 vez xiter sempre xiter.
vc é podre, usa xiter pra jogar,
por isso tem BAN VAC.
Light Game Acc 2017年2月13日 12時12分 
he is always hopping like a f#cking bunny :heart:
VAC VAC VAC 2017年2月7日 12時54分