United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Do not add me without leaving a comment first! if you do, potentially expect to be talked to liked an idiot depending on how I'm feeling.

This ♥♥♥♥ below is from when I used to put my tour counts on my profile. I no longer add them or update them, but keeping them here as it's funny to see how many more tours I've done since these last updates:

Old MvM Tour Counts:

Updated: 29/04/2015:
Oil Spill: 3 Tours
Steel Trap: 2 Tours
Mecha Engine: 15 Tours
Two Cities: 135 Tours
Gear Grinder: 30 Tours

Updated: 31/05/2016:
Oil Spill: 4 Tours
Steel Trap: 7 Tours
Mecha Engine: 66 Tours
Two Cities: 359 Tours
Gear Grinder: 51 Tours

Updated: 08/11/2016:
Oil Spill: 4 Tours
Steel Trap: 20 Tours
Mecha Engine: 76 Tours
Two Cities: 507 Tours
Gear Grinder: 54 Tours
Currently Offline
About Me + My Gear
Adding Me:
Please DO NOT add me before leaving a comment. Leave a comment stating why you want to add me otherwise your friend request will be completely ignored, continue to spam friend requests and you will find yourself blocked.

About Me:
My name is Matthew, although I prefer Matt. I am just a regular dude from the UK who loves to play games, especially TF2 and rhythm games such as Clone Hero. I also love a lot of games on the PS2.
I love playing Mann vs. Machine in TF2, I currently do not play the casual gamemode (except on extremely rare occasions) or any community servers anymore (except for jump maps and community MvM servers). It's possible I will start playing PvP sometime in the future, who knows.

My YouTube Channel
My MvMLobby [mvmlobby.tf]

MvM Australium Drops:
(108 Total)
(If you see an X for the tour number, it's because I can't find or remember the tour number)

Oil Spill:

Steel Trap:
-Tour 1 - Wrench
-Tour 23 - Force a Nature
-Tour 27 - Blutsauger

Mecha Engine:
-Tour 40 - Stickybomb Launcher
-Tour X - Force a Nature (Not sure if this was before or after I got the Stickbomb Launcher)
-Tour 90 - Scattergun
-Tour 180 - Blutsauger
-Tour 283 - Black Box
-Tour 315 - Frontier Justice
-Tour 331 - Frontier Justice
-Tour 336 - Tomislav
-Tour 364 - Tomislav
-Tour 401 - Stickybomb Launcher
-Tour 540 - Grenade Launcher
-Tour 576 - Wrench
-Tour 584 - Flame Thrower
-Tour 585 - Wrench
-Tour 595 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 610 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 612 - Scattergun (Level 100)
-Tour 681 - Medi Gun
-Tour 713 - Wrench
-Tour 728 - Flame Thrower
-Tour 729 - Grenade Launcher
-Tour 749 - Eyelander
-Tour 828 - Tomislav
-Tour 832 - Wrench
-Tour 884 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 887 - Medi Gun
-Tour 1066 - Sniper Rifle

Two Cities:
-Tour 10 - Ambassador
-Tour 15 - Frontier Justice
-Tour 45 - Grenade Launcher
-Tour 102 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 113 - Flame Thrower
-Tour 148 - Blutsauger
-At this point I went on a huge 170+ tour dry streak on two cities for an australium:
-Tour 33x - Axtinguisher (Can't remember the tour, but it was 330 something)
-Tour 358 - Blutsauger
-Tour 384 - SMG
-Tour 458 - Black Box
-Tour 468 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 471 - Knife
-Tour 521 - Scattergun
-Tour 536 - Wrench
-Tour 538 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 584 - Flame Thrower
-Tour 595 - Wrench
-Tour 624 - Minigun
-Tour 675 - Black Box
-Tour 687 - Knife
-Tour 720 - Stickybomb Launcher
-Tour 738 - SMG
-Tour 755 - Minigun
-Tour 765 - Axtinguisher
-Tour 774 - Minigun
-Tour 817 - Force a Nature (On the exact mission that I recieved Metal Massacre)
-Tour 866 - SMG
-Tour 942 - Black Box
-Tour 1042 - Axtinguisher
-Tour 1068 - Frontier Justice
-Tour 1070 - Stickybomb Launcher
-Tour 1142 - Stickybomb Launcher
-Tour 1220 - Eyelander
-Tour 1234 - SMG
-Tour 1259 - Frontier Justice
-Tour 1281 - Knife
-Tour 1286 - SMG
-Tour 1296 - Black Box
-Tour 1311 - Blutsauger
-Tour 1452 - Grenade Launcher
-Tour 1460 - Minigun
-Tour 1499 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 1511 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 1638 - Ambassador
-Tour 1660 - Flame Thrower
-Tour 1686 - Force a Nature
-Tour 1813 - Blutsauger
-Tour 1912 - Grenade Launcher
-Tour 2008 - Tomislav
-Tour 2010 - Black Box
-Tour 2035 - Medi Gun
-Tour 2047 - SMG
-Tour 2161 - Wrench
-Tour 2180 - Force a Nature
-Tour 2208 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 2212 - Minigun
-Tour 2257 - Blutsauger
-Tour 2264 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 2322 - Grenade Launcher
-Tour 2338 - Minigun
-Tour 2384 - Scattergun
-Tour 2419 - Wrench
-Tour 2425 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 2470 - Force a Nature

Gear Grinder:
-Tour 63 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 93 - SMG
-Tour 106 - Ambassador
-Tour 107 - Minigun (These back to back australiums were also back to back Diamond Botkillers)
-Tour 127 - Minigun
-Tour 255 - Sniper Rifle
-Tour 328 - Stickybomb Launcher
-Tour 357 - Minigun
-Tour 377 - Eyelander
-Tour 494 - Blutsauger
-Tour 500 - Bltusauger
-Tour 511 - Rocket Launcher
-Tour 520 - Frontier Justice
-Tour 555 - Frontier Justice
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Not using this to actually list anything I have for sale, purely using it to show off trades made and market transactions.
Jiff 13 hours ago 
Added to get carried
undercooked waffle 20 Feb @ 7:08am 
pizza holding a knife
Yoshi 17 Jan @ 1:49pm 
Manny : brutal pizza please stop blasting to sentry buster to me :(
Purple Disco Machine 30 Oct, 2024 @ 6:59am 
what do you think about ratchet and clank up your arsenal
Colonel 12 Sep, 2024 @ 9:27am 
Fixel 19 Aug, 2024 @ 9:08pm 
helloo!, any chance i can ask some questions about 666wr?