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99.6 hrs on record (72.9 hrs at review time)
this game got more content about messing with corpses/undead, that's pretty cool
Posted 9 July, 2022. Last edited 9 February, 2023.
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1,043.1 hrs on record (331.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
i have over 330 hours in this game and 190 hours in the last 2 weeks and i can say with complete confidence, that this game thought me despair.
i always play the game as a long term character(one that starts with 0 strentgh and fitness on apocalypse settings) and when/if i make it out of my starting town to a more rural area, there is just this want NEED to get something from the cities and densely populated areas.
maybe i just have not collected all the books so i can read in peace and quite
maybe my house does not have a generator
maybe i just want more bullets, just in case some stray hoard depletes my 300+ bullet supply cache and storms my house located in the middle of the woods
or sometimes i just get overconfident
like when i thought "yeah this 3% engine can make a trip to that one gas station with a 100 zombies and no possible other escape route"
or like when i thought "you know, i really need some extra aiming experience, let me just power-level by wielding my shotgun and having enough zombies on screen to make my computer cry for mercy"
or like when i thought "can i find a slightly more efficient water container?"
and i'll tell you what happened
i got swarmed
i fell down
i got stealth bit
the cycle repeats but each time the reaper comes i lose more and more will
all the hours for one instant
o the cruelty that i may make it far
but never make it where i want to be

all in all : the only cure is found in a bottle, this is how you die, shotguns or no-guns
Posted 7 May, 2022.
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556.3 hrs on record (469.8 hrs at review time)
shoot bullet? yes.
kill bullet? yes.
bullet dragon? probably.
mimics? hate em (although good loot).
good game? you bet your bottom dollar.
Posted 8 March, 2022.
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306.0 hrs on record (82.4 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
this game will allow you to show of your gaming skill and it's free
Posted 10 November, 2019.
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668.6 hrs on record (650.4 hrs at review time)
it's pretty good
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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1.2 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
very cool
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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221.4 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
pretty good game
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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11.1 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
what a game
Posted 11 June, 2019.
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357.4 hrs on record (65.1 hrs at review time)
i like this game it's high amount of content
Posted 7 July, 2017.
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795.2 hrs on record (162.0 hrs at review time)
much gameplay
Posted 9 September, 2016.
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