:salttree: I play games when I get the chance. :selphinehappy:
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Octopath Traveler 2 is one of my favorite games in 2023. I'm impressed of the improvements and additions they made from the first game. I won't list every change I'm going to talk about the things really stuck with me in my entire playthrough.

1a) Characters. The individual stories of 8 travelers are connected with each other in some way. I won't tell you the details but I am telling you this is a major improvement from the first game. The stories are interesting and it can get you emotionally invested on them. Another detail to point out is that their individual stories can take place in the same city. It may not sound big but I like this part because it really feels like each travelers have their own business to attend to but they're willing to help each other out. The Crossing Paths fleshes out the characters further and the Extra Stories for the conclusion of the story.

1b) Character Night and Day Path Action. Each Traveler have their own night and day interaction with NPCS. For example, Hikari brawls people during the day and bribes people at night for information. Then you have Castii, she inquires and ask people for information during the day, and gives people sleeping medication in the evening. The system is crafted carefully that you can try to use each character's path action to your advantage. Let's say Hikari can bribe an NPC 7500 leaves for information. You don't have the money to do. Castii can't inquire information because the level requirement is high but Osvald can scrutinize with an 80 percent chance. You choose Osvald to scrutinize and get information. Same thing with stealing or mugging. Say Throne has a 3 percent chance to get an item but Osvald can mug the NPC with low difficulty. Recruiting NPCs with Partitio, Agnea, Temenos, and Ochette is helpful and it is often used to complete side quest or progress the story.

2) During Battle: In battle, when characters heal, buff each other or they break an enemy's guard, they compliment each other. This one SURPRISED ME. When one of the characters received too much damage, the next traveler would call out their name in concern, telling me that I should HEAL them. Little details like these really make feel that the travelers are connected and will make they got each other's backs. Because of this, random encounters are not boring anymore. Even if I am hearing the same compliments etc..., it doesn't get old. It feels like you're in a journey with them.

3) Latent Power is a nice addition to the game. Adds extra layer of strategy. Combined with the game's existing system, the combat feels extremely satisfying to play. Once you unlock secondary and secret classes, the sky is the limit. Random battles don't feel boring because there's plenty of room to experiment. Once you solidify a team composition, you're ready to face the difficult battles.

4) The graphics and location is breathtaking. It looks better than the first game.

5) The boss battles. I like how the boss tries to introduce us with their own gimmick mechanics to mess with us. The bosses felt distinct and didn't feel like carbon copies of each other. They are difficult if you fight them below the recommended level and if your team lacks depth and synergy. When combined with great story build up, the stakes felt really high and I don't want to lose and get that Game Over. I felt emotionally invested in every major boss fight. Before every battle, I say to myself "Let's go or let's settle this!". When I was playing, it felt that every boss battle is a must win regardless even I have to chug some healing items or even a revive item if your healer gets downed.

6) The Music. One of the best music I've listened to in a video game. Again with the random encounters, the game doesn't feel boring because the battle music pumps me up to 10. Major boss battles rocking up the boss music pumps me up to 11. The boss music is so great and memorable that I will listen to it even when I finished the game. More boss music gets introduced later in the game and it gets more and more intense. Also, relaxing background music of cities, forest, and sand dunes are memorable as well!

Tldr: When you get a game where the character's stories are connected and they interact with each other during battle, a turned-based battle system that is fun to play with new introduction of Latent Power, and you get to listen to some of the best battle and boss music, random battles and boss battles NEVER feel boring at all. When all of this is combined, you get one unforgettable experience.

The one thing I wished for..... is a New Game+. I would like to have an experience where I simply play the story straight from beginning to end without having to steal, bribe, or mug someone for items.
Comentarios 11 JUL 2016 a las 9:02 p. m. 
Making comments for achievement purposes as well. Looking forward to play some games in Steam.
VossDoggo 3 AGO 2012 a las 10:35 a. m. 
Hey, thanks for the key, man!