Scarface Gunhoard
Gaius Caius Licinus Lucaius Priapus Biggus Dickus Augustus
I fly airplanes and kill people.

Julius Seizure: Well there goes my pelvis
Julius Seizure: Off into the wild blue yonder
Julius Seizure: Where it will confuse the hell out of anyone on Google Maps
Julius Seizure: "IS DAT A ♥♥♥♥ WITA MISLE LUNCHR"
Julius Seizure: "I WART WUN O DOZE"
Julius Seizure 21 apr 2018, ore 16:47 
Tell all your weaboo friends I said "Faloopsnarb."
Julius Seizure 4 dic 2017, ore 19:48 
Snooping as usual, I see.
Julius Seizure 3 apr 2015, ore 22:55 
Has been unfished, please resume enjoying his gunharding, scarfaced company.
Mellcor 6 gen 2015, ore 17:37 
has been phished, please do not click any links from scarface and i hope to see him get his account and items back soon
Julius Seizure 3 mar 2014, ore 16:28 
We're running out of toasters. Shoot more ducks.
Julius Seizure 3 mar 2014, ore 8:01 
We're running out of goats. You need to get more while you're out.