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I...WOW. This was...good. Very, very good. Sorry...let me gather my thoughts.
The Marble Nest is a 2-5 hour long DLC that is completely separate from the main story. There are no spoilers to be found here, only fragments of thoughts from the base game. The survival element of the main campaign is MUCH more toned down, in favor of a series of choices that are entirely up to you, and a closed off section of the large base world.

Unlike the Main Campaign, because the map is so small, the game heavily favors exploration over following the main quest. There are several plot points you will miss if you don't walk around and discover them, or if you refuse to talk to the NPCs. I usually hate this in games but...because of how small this place is, it's done right. Minor, minor spoilers incoming. I got stuck at a certain part (not out of confusion, but out of my own choices and my morbid curiosity to see what they would lead too, and while exploring I found a guy near the outskirts of the map, who accelerated time to night. I LOVE THIS! I was walking around because I thought to myself "man...I wish I could skip time here." And upon exploring the map, I was rewarded with exactly what I wanted! And because this area is so far out of the way, you'll only find it if you take the time in a time-limited game to find it, meaning you'll most likely have had nothing else to do anyways. This is such amazing game design and I love how the game read me like a book.
I'm not quite sure how to feel about the ending I got...I think it was the bad ending, but I'm not even sure if there ARE multiple endings. Still, the ending doesn't detract from the experience: being able to read about the outcomes of the characters without the Haruspex is a treat, and all items have different descriptions, which were all fun to read. It makes me want to play Pathologic Classic even more then I already did.

In terms of performance...I'm not sure what they did, but it was much smoother then the base game. Saving was almost instant, loading zones barely existed, and I got higher frames then I did on the base game. The only thing close to a complaint I'd have is that there are some minor spelling issues. They're not too annoying, but it is a little jarring when the game is being serious then hits you with the "hiw." All in all though, highly recommended. It's definitely worth full price for any fan of the base game, and is always worth the price on sale. Thanks for giving me more to do in a world I fell in love with.
Postat 1 iulie 2023.
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79.8 ore înregistrate (41.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Didn't even release a steam post saying the game was being shutdown. For ♥♥♥♥♥ sake.
Postat 24 mai 2023.
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10/10 would be skulled again
Postat 13 mai 2023. Editat ultima dată 27 noiembrie 2023.
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112.3 ore înregistrate (38.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I'm not even sure if words BEGIN to describe this game...not even my feelings towards it...but the game itself...

In terms of storytelling, the gameplay and story and intertwined to a T. Every moral the story attempts to portray is integrated into the gameplay. The permanent consequences of death combined with the manual save feature (especially important for places like the theater) is one of the only good examples I've ever seen of a game circumventing save scumming. The early game is INCREDIBLY difficult, as the consequences of your actions are harsh and the times to improve your reputation are few and far between. But when the game finally gives you the opportunity to make money and gain reputation, circumstances have completely changed: plague has arrived, looters roam the town at night, and you'll need more bullets then ever before. Certain items that seem useless or only for trading in the early game become crucial in the mid-late, but you don't know what they are or what they'll do, so you just have to hope that those needles you just traded away aren't as useful as the thumbtack you got. I highly recommend you play on the intended difficulty. Even if it gets too hard, there is something that will eventually alleviate it.
as far as I know, death #7ish allows you to trade away "something" for no more consequences for death. What that something is I don't know, but it is something...

Unfortunately, there are some cons. For one, this game runs like ASS. My 3080 gets like 40 fps indoors. It's that bad. You NEED to do the following if you want your game to run any way, shape, or form:

1. Go to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\commom\Pathologic

2. Open Boot.Config and change gfx-enable-gfx-jobs from 0 to 1

3. Add gfx-enable-native-gfx-jobs=1 underneath the above line

4. Go to C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\LocalLow\Ice-Pick Lodge\Pathologic 2\Settings

5. OpenExternalOptimizationSettings.xml and change all minmemory values to 120000000 and all max memory values to 1000000000.

Even when you do fix the god awful frame rate, your ailments haven't ended yet. When any character runs in a scripted action (i.e not burglars or kids walking around), they have this god awful motion blur effect around them for just...no reason?! And it will use up ALL of your GPU. It was so bad, it literally caused me to find out that my PSU would crash under full load and that I needed to get a new one. Thanks for that, I guess???

The game isn't super buggy, but during an area where all your items are taken away, I stopped being able to talk to NPCs...even in the afterlife. Which meant I have 0 idea what the consequences are for deaths 6-8, or even if I had any consequences seeing as nothing changed in terms of my stats.

With all that being said, I think something that popped up while I was looking up fixes sums it up perfectly: "I get somewhere in the mid to low 20's[frames], the game is so good that im willing to put up with it, but I would like it to run at least at 30[fps]."

Watching the story unravel was a joy from start to finish: the amount of "aha!" moments you get from realizing what's truly going on in the world around you is euphoric. The truth IS told to you from the start, but YOU have to be the one who deciphers the falsehoods from reality. And that's what makes the story so special; choose what you to believe, and world around you changes accordingly. That's the magic of pathologic, and it'll keep you guessing what's real and what's not long after the credits roll. The strangest part is...neither ending feels like a "good ending." And yet, despite that, both endings feel like you accomplished something. I'm not sure if I've ever felt a game do that before, but somehow the endings I got were both upsetting and satisfying in their own way...and to me, that's amazing.
Postat 4 februarie 2023. Editat ultima dată 5 februarie 2023.
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16.1 ore înregistrate (15.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Was wayyy longer then I expected it to be. Very fun game and enjoyed it during both playthroughs. Ending may be a little bit of a cop out, since it's not really hinted at in-game, but it's understandable. Doom with eldritch horrors. Definitely would recommend.
Postat 8 ianuarie 2023.
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6.9 ore înregistrate (4.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Go into this game blind please! The puzzles aren't that hard, and they're very satisfying to complete. Loved this game. With that being said;

Lily sure did die. Alot.
Postat 3 decembrie 2022.
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It took until after the entirety of Half Life 2 for the game to tell me how to sprint.

Thank you Valve, very cool.
Postat 7 iulie 2022.
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23.7 ore înregistrate (12.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Before I get into this review, a quick summary of me so you can understand what kind of grain of salt to take from this review. Like most people, I got into this game for the memes. But unlike most people, I managed to stay completely away from any spoilers. I didn't even know the game was a hack n slash! I'm an achievement hunter, but this review is after my first run on Hard difficulty. If there's enough interesting stuff with the achievements, I may come back and edit this but for now, let's begin the review.

This is technically the last game in the Metal Gear Franchise from what I can tell, so a double edged sword for new comers. I personally have never played a Metal Gear game, knowing bits and pieces from random wiki dives and Youtube videos. That being said, the story (atleast the emotional part of it) gets through to you pretty well with no background knowledge. I will admit, some characters and topics seem to be referenced, so I recommend having a friend that has played metal gear so you can ask them a few questions like I did. Otherwise, you'll be just fine, blind or not, as the story is mostly self contained.

The Soundtrack is easily one of the best parts of this game, hands down. Every single song is a banger. I'm not joking. The music is also dynamic, changing depending on the bosses health, if ripper mode is activated, amount of enemies left, ect, ect. I've never seen vocals done as background music before, and this 100% did not disappoint. If you don't end up giving this game a try, atleast listen to the soundtrack. Half of the story imo is told via the OST, so not listening to it gives the game a massive disservice.

Gameplay is fun, but the skill ceiling is MASSIVE. Think Batman: Arkham with swords instead of fists. The controls are admittedly not well explained and it'll take a while or even a whole play-through to understand how certain mechanics work (like when Raiden dashes by tapping W and Attack, or what the hell the box means in blade mode), but once you do get it, it is SUPER rewarding. I recommend learning blade mode early though. 2 boss fights later on in the game heavily rely on the mechanic, and the final one is one of them. It was a super painful learning curve having to learn the mechanic over again right before the game ended.

During my Sam Very Hard run, one of the VR missions were complete bull (i'm talking about #4), but by the end of it I came out being a master of the perfect parry and finally rebinded my dodge key so I can use it more frequently. Rebinding helps alot, but this game is definitely a hard one to learn, especially on higher difficulties where everything one shots you.

I screenshared this game to a friend and he thought it was a remake because of how nice it looked LOL. It definitely holds up well in terms of graphics.
The message/theme of this game is scarily accurate to current day society. There's even a few things they straight up predict, and considering this game came out in 2014, the message holds up as if it came out in 2021. Definitely worth listening to the characters and trying to understand them on a philosophical level.
I like almost all the characters, but some of them feel...underdeveloped. Sam mainly. If there was one complaint I did have about this game, is that there isn't enough. I want so, so, so much more, bc of how amazing this game was. The emotion behind Samuel's post-fight scene wasn't really there until later on in the story during the Final Boss fight. (See below)

Defintely worth a buy. I think through this playthrough alone made it jump to my #3 favorite game, and even when the rose tinted glasses wear off (like I said, I do feel like the game was painfully short. It took me...like 7 hours in game time) it will 100% stay in my top 10. I am so glad that the memes for this game existed so I could experience it, and despite the fact that we'll probably never get another Metal Gear game again (...atleast a good one), this...was enough for me. Solid 8/10. (Post DLC, I'll give it a 9/10.)

Post DLC Edit: I didn't know this game had DLC! What a dummy! That being said, I beat Jetstream Sam's Campaign on Very Hard and Blade Wolf's on Revengance. With that out of the way, let's do a spoiler free review!

I mentioned in the original review that the main problem I had with Sam was his underdevelopment, and man did this DLC deliver. It really shows that Raiden and Sam are no different from each other, a concept I failed to get during the course of the main campaign. There are several questionable parts of his design how in gods name can he use zandatsu if he's not a cyborg?!, it fixed ALOT of the issues I had with the character and I like him way more now.

Gameplay wise, Blade Wolf, Raiden, and Sam all play completely differently, which after a 15 hour play-through of Raiden is a breath of fresh air. While Raiden is a customizable combo king, Sam is a heavy hitting charge character with much better air mobility and burst damage. Blade Wolf on the other hand, is a limiting moveset, requiring stealth to be successful, especially on higher difficulties. The cutscenes are amazing and learning more about my favorite characters is so rewarding.

To end off this review, I think the 100% for this game is gonna be hard. All S ranks, high scores on VR missions, ect. It's scary. But All I know is one thing: by the end, there will be blood.
Postat 28 iunie 2022. Editat ultima dată 15 iulie 2022.
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I played this game, finished the tutorial, and never played it again.

This is coming from the guy who not only has 200 hours in KF1, but from an achievement hunter that has sat through literal hours of mindless clicking for some stupid image to pop up in the bottom right of my screen.

Yeah, hard pass.
Postat 4 aprilie 2022.
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I am the first.
Postat 1 martie 2022.
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