
Huey 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 11-13 項,共 13 項
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 175.2 小時 (評論時已進行 89.3 小時)
The art, set design and the story up to the beginning of Act 3 are superb. The AI is Unity asset-flip level bad. The game is buggy, rushed and unfinished. You know this if you've been paying attention.

But that's not the worst part.

The endings universally suck, are badly written, confusing and unsatisfying. There is no postgame, and once you complete Act 3 you'll be unceremoniously dumped back at an Act 2 savepoint as if the finale never happened. That's your "replayability" - an increasingly empty Act 2.

To go through Act 3 thinking that the rest of your time in the game will be affected by the events in the finale and the teasers in the credits - nevermind the nonsensical outcomes for some of the characters - only to have that lazily stolen away from you, expecting you to shrug and think "guess I'll grind some more eddies" is genuinely infuriating. It wrecked every last shred of good feeling I had for the developer.

If you want to buy it for the good things, I get it. But be very clear that everything after the beginning of Act 3 is pointless and throwaway. You've been warned.
張貼於 2020 年 12 月 21 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 467.8 小時 (評論時已進行 229.4 小時)
Kenshi is one of those games that only a passionate small team could have ever developed. A triple A studio would have sucked the life out of it, but as it is, it sits up there with Eve Online as the most uncompromising, unforgiving, brutally addictive sandboxes ever made.

Eve's unofficial tagline is "Here's a ship. F**k you." Kenshi gives you a raggedy pair of pants and a stick, and everything from bandits to goats to slavers to holy crusaders to death robots to lasers from the sky are screaming "F**K YOU" for well into your first 100 hours of play.

Don't read the specs or look at screenshots or judge the graphics or the engine or use any of the typical metrics you might rely on when choosing games. Read the stories, buy it, and go make your own stories.
張貼於 2019 年 1 月 13 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 1 月 13 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 129.7 小時 (評論時已進行 23.0 小時)
Lots of potential. Solid engine, dev team and publisher with good funding from a big launch. No reason this can't be a truly excellent title at release, and is plenty of fun already.
張貼於 2018 年 8 月 30 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
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目前顯示第 11-13 項,共 13 項