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Once-Inconsistent Machinima-Maker, Semi-Nocturnal Englishman, Zany Incarnate, Unverified Audiophiliac, just generally a Bizargh Lad.
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Deep Rock Galactic
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The Bizarchivist Sound Project Steam Group
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Etalase Ulasan
10,3 Jam dimainkan
Before I give my praise for what I consider one of my favourite shooters of the seventh console generation period, I must alert you to these facts:
  • If you don't have an existing Xbox Live account, or perhaps at least an email with Microsoft's Outlook or old Hotmail, the Games for Windows Live service this game remains tied to is probably gonna cause you an exceptional amount of trouble (As it has for the many writers of the Do Not Recommend reviews). And from what I'm told, good luck playing this game if you do run into trouble. I have an Xbox Live (Gold) account, so either I passed with flying colours or I was lucky.
    There is however an easy workaround I've successfully tested to disabling GFWL on launch, which whilst will not let you play Multiplayer at all while using it, will allow you to enjoy the Singleplayer modes without the need for GFWL.

    Firstly, head here to download the fix I located (Never have found the creator):
    The contents of the .zip are "xlive.dll" & "xlive.ini", which will disable GFWL when copy-pasted into the game's files.

    Secondly, simply copy & paste the "xlive.dll" & "xlive.ini" here: Steam\SteamApps\common\Bulletstorm\Binaries\Win32. It doesn't overwrite anything, so no need for backups or changes to adjust to (Other than the previously mentioned inability to play Multiplayer whilst these files are in Bulletstorm's Game Data).

    And there you have it! You can enjoy the Singleplayer Campaign & Echo Missions without the need to use GFWL. I hope it helps you as much as it has me!

  • Although the game's default FOV is 85, which is within my personal comfort zone, I encountered constant screen tearing due to the capped 22-62fps smoothed frame-rate (Even with VSync turned off), and Mouse Smoothing is enabled & I don't believe it can be disabled via the Options Menu.
    PC Gaming Wiki however has instructions & a recommended tool; "BulletStormINIEditior" to allow you to edit the game's encrypted Config' files to uncap the frame-rate & adjust your numerous FOV levels. With it, I can now play at FOV 90 with no issues at all, I've had not one instance of screen tearing since and have turned Mouse Smoothing off outright. Here's the wiki page for more details:

  • If you unfortunately cannot play the game, but adore the game's soundtrack, Epic Games has officially released it freely to download along with the Epic 20th Anniversary Original Soundtrack. And speaking personally, it's gloriously badarse!:

Right, with that cleared up:

Game Review

In Summary:
You have crash-landed on an abandoned Resort Planet infested with Mutants & Psychopaths. You have a wrist-mounted Energy Leash, a gloriously strong kick & an small assortment of weapons seemingly forged by Gods of Extremely Cruel & Highly Unusual Punishment, each vastly unique from each other (Which in addition to your standardly equipped Carbine, two can be carried in Singleplayer). The environments are littered with lethal hazards such as Exposed Wiring, High-Altitude Drops, Deadly Vegetation, and many more. I can never tell you this more literally; GET CREATIVE.

Just don't expect to be able to find anyone in Co-op Multiplayer via Matchmaking. I haven't yet (Not big surprise). But on the bright side, it can be played alone without significant difficulty, and if you're lucky enough to have a friend to bring, it's quite the Horde-like fun (Only it's much less surviving and so much more score-earning, so be sure to Kill with Skill!)

In Detail:
Bulletstorm is unmistakably a console port, but all things considered, a pretty damn good one.

With your mouse & keyboard and fully rebindable keys (Which can be given secondary bindings also), you can Kill with Skill with beautiful control! And with the fixes I mentioned above, you can have a glorious shooter experience with this game almost akin to that of the classics who threw realism out the window for sheer mayhem!

The more modern mechanics like Rechargeable Health & ADS do often work in the game's favour, as the lack of concern of health is helpful in allowing you the utmost creative freedom in killing and extra zoom to land those headshots & hard-to-hit crotchshots. But although Sprint gives you exceptional speed (With Sliding even greater, especially on slippery-looking & sloped surfaces), it serves more as a quick exit mechanic than anything else, with enemies eagerly coming to you or standing still to suffer at your hand. And be warned about difficulties above Normal, as you can find yourself the odd occasions where you will find the need to cower behind a chest high wall to wash away the red cowardice from your screen. But otherwise, the game's main challenge relies on you being creative as possible & racking up your Skillpoints/Murdercash to resupply & upgrade newly found weapons, whose costs vary upon difficulty.
It's also worth noting that there's no shortage of Quick Time Events in the more cinematic moments of the game. However, People Can Fly differentiates them by rewarding Skillpoints based on your response time to their prompts, which if left unpressed sometimes proceed with a 0 Skillpoint reward depending on the event, or if do cause a reset-to-checkpoint failstate, don't require sharp-timing or anything beyond single-button prompts to avoid. So in my experience, their presence was not uncomplimentary at all.

As for story, well, while the humour most often relies upon the foul mouths & one-liners of it's characters which can certainly get more than a chuckle or two for those not above genital jokes & 80s action, it does also provide a violent revenge tale which has the capacity to be taken seriously if it proves your thing. Don't expect a lot, but it might just keep you going till the end.

Unfortunately, the replay value isn't high at all. The linear design of the singleplayer often leads you to find the most Skillpoint-rewarding techniques, which can make repeat playthroughs seem like obeying an unwritten routine whilst not strict, is often practical. The Echo Missions (Singleplayer segments seperated for Competitive Leaderboards) are even more this as you find a means to find your best skill routine to earn your Stars and rank up the Score Leaderboard (Which could be your thing if you're looking for a challenge). As for Multiplayer; Think Horde with Bulletstorm's Kill with Skill, with an emphasis on racking up points instead of surviving ridiculous odds (But you might need to give downed team-mates literally a good & quick kick every-so-often as the waves progress). I haven't found anything via Matchmaking, and whilst it can be played on your own very adequately, the only appeal in doing so is ranking up to unlock new cosmetics such as Armour Camos & Gun Skins (Additional Leash Colours were bonuses for Special Editions or Pre-orders only if I recall correctly, although you have a choice of Blue & Quiksilver by default).

If you're looking for a fantastic shooter experience which harkens back to the old days of shooters of gratuitous violence, extreme attitude & action-packed fun, whilst embracing a fair few of the modern mechanics, this is one of them! (Although Wolfenstein: The New Order might be a more substancial offering & successful blend of classic-with-modern in comparison, but 9GB & Unreal 3 reliable performance vs. 50GB & id Tech 5 technical quirks which some have encountered on occasions are a big difference).
Etalase Screenshot
(Originally taken via Theater mode for Halo 3 on Xbox 360)
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Bizargh 3 Mar @ 5:23pm 
No worries! Like I said, I couldn't get fully successful results with the PakDecrypt.exes with the latest version of Warface: Clutch (I suspect the .PAK encryption has been updated, hence even though they do convert the .PAK to .ZIP, no data can be pulled from them), so hopefully updated ones are out there somewhere, unless you know your way around updating the decryption for these tools (Which I really don't).

I do have a "March Update, 2020" extraction from Warface on hand, so unless there are indeed newer solutions to extracting data from the game's .PAKs, I can at least provide that at some point in the future (Sadly, I can't say when). Nevertheless, at least you now have to chance to try for yourself. Thanks again for letting me know about the issue.
PorcusGrunzus 2 Mar @ 7:02am 
Thanks a lot for the reupload btw! Just realized I never answered here.
Bizargh 6 Jan @ 5:43pm 
@linkdude64 [2/2]
Perhaps once I successfully improve my computing circumstances (I need an overhaul from storage to O.S., I'll consider making active use of the Internet Archive for myself to supplement my own means that I also hope to improve along the way, such as a means to more openly share other physical-only or other now-unavailable music such as Ace Combat 3 & 4, Dark Void, F-Zero GX/AX, Halo Wars Bonus DVD, Klonoa: Door to Phantomile & Lunatea's Veil, 龍が如く / Ryu ga Gotoku: The Best, SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs & others as I once managed before the still-surviving links became relegated to a closed-forum & a successor that requires registration to access (Assuming that others haven't already done so, of course).

All wishful thinking aside, I'm glad I could be of help. Feel free to fetch my CD-rip of the Guild Wars 2 soundtrack if that takes your interest as well (That one is a whole story of it's own).
Bizargh 6 Jan @ 5:40pm 
@linkdude64 [1/2]
Well, I can only say that Music of the Spheres was something I personally cared about deeply. And if I'm going to distribute other people's works without their permission, I'm going to do the best I can to ensure that if I cannot outdo the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ release in details & inclusions, than I at least make it as distinct as I can who & how many of the rightful people behind these works are (Even today, metadata can be an inconsistent and/or lacking thing for digital releases). All-in-all, I wish to show that I respect & care about these works and let others do the same. That, or I think that I take the "Piracy is a service problem" saying seriously.

And by all means, please do add to it. Music of the Spheres, among many video game music works deserves to be treasured & heard beyond my own existence. Others are handling the series' in-game music, so I'll have to leave that to them.
linkdude64 5 Jan @ 10:10am 
I smiled seeing how you also included all of the history surrounding it - all of the miscellaneous files which I myself had also maintained - the ronut music downloads, the alpha lupi backgrounds, all of From one (apparently) obsessive archivist to another...thank you so much. I will add what resilience I can to these files' presence on the web.
linkdude64 5 Jan @ 10:04am 
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POST OF MoTS!!!! I don't want to draw much attention to it, but holy CRAP I had been looking for these files in FLAC since that Christmas Day!!! I had given up hope but once or twice a year since then I'd search for an afternoon on various music / Linux ISO hosting platforms, and for some reason didn't come across your page sooner, but holy MOLY I am SO relieved to have it!!! Thank you SO much!!!