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570.6 h registradas (52.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de CS:GO

The only thing that makes me feel like this is a Counter Strike game are about half of the maps. There are now many more, very interesting maps, and all the old map's have been upgraded in some way in both term's of graphics, and adding more path way's, etc. There are now many more gun's, like the Negev (Machine Gun), Nova (Shot gun), Mag 7 (tiny Shot Gun), Sawed off (tiny Shot Gun #2) Tec 9 (Pistol) P2000 (Pistol) P250 (Pistol), SG 008 (Sniper rifle, replacing the scout) and not only all that, but there are two new types of grenades. The Molotov (or incindary grenade if you are a CT), and the decoy grenade which makes little explosion's which sound like gun shots, and while were talking about gun shot sounds, they sound much more realistic then ever, and now that were talking about realism, the game looks ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ incredible. Although, i do only get the half of it because my machine isn't good enough to run it at full speed (just a regular window's 8 toshiba laptop, no upgrades at all)

Although I must admit the game feels, as i said earlier, the only thing that makes me think that this game is even a bit like the older Counter Strike's are the maps. You don't get to chose your player model anymore, instead the map chooses for you. Not really an issue, but why would you take away something we have had since the first release of Counter Strike back in 1999, sixteen ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ years ago. And they also updated all of the voices so you don't have the old voices from the old Counter Strike games, which is also not that big of an issue, but its the same voice command's we have been using since the original release of the game, like i said, back in 1999.

Gun's, especially the AK, have had a serious cut in power. They are not nearly as powerful as they were. The glock is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pointless you may as well shoot your team mates with them because they practically give them health.

My two faveorite gun's in the whole game, the AUG and the SG 553, both have major updates to the sight's that have never been seen before in a CS game, which is the ability to look through the sights. This makes shooting enemies much easier for me as I can clearly see the green dot over the original small, tan dots. It also just looks much cooler in my opinion. Although it throws me the ♥♥♥♥ off whenever I go back and play older games.

The game now has a workshop where you can download community made maps, but they're not usually anything special. On most maps, if you play with bots, something about the doors on community made maps screws them up and they can sit there trying to open and close them forever, they can get stuck in them, they can sit there shooting through the doors to the point the doors change colour and... its just really hard to describe what they look like then besides abstract door art.....

You can also visit a Team Fortress 2 like shop and purchase skins for different weapons. I don't know how many skins there are, but you can get a random one with the purchase of a box and it's assigned key, which can get you a $100 skin or knife of some sort for like $3, or you can just purchase the skin you want. It should also be mentioned that boxes in this game do not give you multiple things like they can in TF2.

They also have multiple modes like Arm's Race (like gun game in the 007 games), and casual where you can play online with other people in regular games, where you are also now assigned a colour of your choice so if you have a really long name, or a name in a language other people cant speak, they can call you "Yellow" if your colour is yellow, or "Green" if your colour is green, etc. However, if you are like me and you have an issue with your computer that for SOME reason blocks VAC anticheat from working, you can get kicked out of a match, and if this happens enough, then you can get kicked from casual mode for up to i think six weeks, months, I don't really know.

Overall, the game is called Counter Strike, but I feel like it's just a COD modification. Normally that's a bad thing, but not in this case.

I'd give this game a 8|10
It's ok, but if I were to pick, i'd probably pick the older ones... but that's just me. OK! Now to go somewhere where someone will be waiting with a gun to shoot me for not giving the game an 11|10 and saying somehting about MLG 360 noscoping and all that 1337 ♥♥♥♥.

Ta ta for now!
Publicada el 28 de marzo de 2015.
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12.7 h registradas (11.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
You shoot robots and find tapes, ammo, and flashlights. To most people that's the whole game. I see it as more of a "Hey kids, you think just because you play Call of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ duty all day and whenever your parrents tell you to get off for whatever reason you rape and murder them, that you know how to use a gun? Well, show us! Come play this game called reciever, and remember, anything besides bullets and yourself that moves, shoot it!"

This game does not have a health bar, but it's still easy to know how much health you have. This is because no matter where you are shot, you die on the first bullet, like in real life! Imagine that in a video game. So basically if you are alive you have 100 health (or 99 if you're a hard core metroid fan).

There is no ammo counter. You need to count how many bullets are in a mag, and keep track of the ammount of bullets you fire. Or, just regularly check in on your ammo. You can either put in a new mag, assuming you spawn with one with actual ammo, or just insert bullets into the mag itself. As for the revolver, i just eject all bullets, and pick the ones i droped back up and put them in the gun. Easy.

There are three guns. The Revolver, the Glock, and the 1911. I am partial to the Revolver, the glock is ok, and the 1911 is abysmal.

The Revolver is exactly what it sounds like. It has 6 round capacity, and occasionally needs a hammer to be pulled down.

The Glock is a pistol with a huge clip of which yet I am still unaware the full capacity too. If i were to wager a guess, i'd have to say maybe 32 bullets? It has two fireing modes. Semi automatic, and fully automatic. TIP: If you plan on actually trying to live, keep ammo, and ultimatly win the game, do not use fully automatic mode. It eats ammo like a mother humper and kicks like a kangaroo, and I can garentuee you next to no bullets will ever hit your target. This is not a game where you should "spray and pray".

The 1911 is a terrible gun. It has so many standards compared to the other guns, that it's almost like a punishment to have. The max capacity for a mag is 8, and the bullets are as affective as blank bullets shooting something five miles away... right next to a kill drone. For some reason, unlike all the other guns, it has a safety. It also has a hammer which is really annoying to use, and I don't know if this is only me, but I can load a full mag, chamber a bullet, have the safety off and have the hammer down, be fully prepared, but the gun WILL... NOT... FIRE....... but you know, this only happens when there is a tape right in front of me.

There are two types of killdrones in the game. The Hover-drone, and the killdrone turret.

The hoverdrone is really annoying because it makes a really stupid sound, bounces all over the place, making it just about impossible to hit sometimes, and it has a really annoying sounding tazer that kills you in one hit, because as we all know, tazers kill people in under a second people.

The killdrone turret is a sationary revolving turret with unlimited ammo that fires bullets that kill you in one hit. That's kinda self explanitory.

Overall i think this game is great, just damn hard, and occasionally annoying if you have the 1911. The mechanics are great, like how you have to repeatedly press your walk key to run. This can be bad because sometimes it can just activate at any random time, but you know, this only happens when your right next to a CLIFF... and it doesn't matter if you're crouched. If you start double tappin' that walk key you get right the ♥♥♥♥ up and start running. Even sometimes if you DON'T, it's like the computer say's "NOPE." and it kills you in a way that makes it seem like it's your fault. But all the con's in this game can be overlooked in one short sentence.

The game was made in only seven days. For a game like this, thats incredible. I wish though that I could see wolfire games finish this and make it a whole game with more mechanics, fix some bugs, add new enemies, etc.

I rate this game 8/10 for being perfect when you aren't running off cliffs for no reason and you don't have a 1911.

As for the tapes, I'll let you listen to them yourself.
Publicada el 25 de enero de 2015.
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Reseña de acceso anticipado
I only played the free weekend demo of it, and it was a while ago. I am about to purchase the game however.

The game takes place in an asteroid field in the middle of outer space! The map is giant! So much space for a huge space station both mobile, and non mobile by going to an asteroid, gathering the minerals and such, and going to another asteroid, and placing a small base at first, than a huge, huge base! And they are completely costomizable to your likeing, this game resembles a realistic space version of minecraft, but its not all blocky and such.

There are two types of ships. Small and speedy ships, and large but slow ships. What I do not understand however, is that large ships take more to push forward, but call me stupid, i thought things were weightless in space. But still a cool concept. There are turrets to prevent your ship from getting damaged from Asteroids, and just regular people as well, that aim to destroy you!

If your ship gets too damaged, you can always just send it hurtling towards an asteroid, or just into the deep void of space!

If you are too lazy to build a ship however, you can also visit the work shop, where you can find all sorts of ships, like halo ships, metroid ships, ships based off regular peoples inginuity, etc. If there's a game out there that has space ships in it, they will probably appear here as well.

As mentioned before, other people can (and probably will) aim to destroy you, so you are typically armed with an assault rifle. That's all I have ever seen, but I have no reason to believe that there arent any other weapons you can hold.

If that's still not enough for you, regaurdless of the fact i probably seem like a six year old explaining how "rad" the MLG360NOSCOPES are in the latest call of duty, this game is still being developed! That mean's more is being added!

This game is amazing, and is only getting better. Sadly, you can only find games like this now that have no story, no campaign. If this game had something like THAT, this would more likely than not be the best video game I think anyone has ever developed. Especially if it was something like Spartan ops, where people kept making more short levels (But they wouldn't stop making them for no reason after a month)

In short, if you like big booms, crashing sounds, space, astronauts, guns, space stations, space ships, minecraft, and also have about $25, do yourself a favor and purchase this amazing game.
Publicada el 15 de enero de 2015.
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7.2 h registradas (2.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game may be old, but its really fun to play! Unlike any other Counter Strike game, this one is more or less ment to be played on single player. With every location you secure you get something called Reputation points, and it allows you to hire NPCs to work with you, and no NPC is the same. They all have diferent skill sets, Different names, and Different weapons! Also , if you buy this, you get another, erm, Version of the game, bassed off of deleted scenes, which are more of you completeing missions like defusing bombs, rescuing hostages, and this version doesnt allow you to get team mates, its just you against NPCs. id say that game is worth it as well.
Publicada el 26 de diciembre de 2013.
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