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Portal 2

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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Bisqwit’s best Portal 2 maps
Collection by Bisqwit
Collection of my best puzzles.
Bisqwit's coauthored puzzles
Collection by Bisqwit
Puzzles that I have created in collaboration with other puzzle authors.
Bisqwit's puzzles with custom visuals
Collection by Bisqwit
Puzzles that include customized elements, that obviously influence how the chamber looks and possibly works.
Bisqwit's medium-hard puzzles
Collection by Bisqwit
Puzzles with medium or unclassified difficulty.
Bisqwit's coop puzzles
Collection by Bisqwit
Co-op puzzles.
Bisqwit's glitch-dependent puzzles
Collection by Bisqwit
Puzzles that you must know and use a glitch to solve. In these puzzles I first teach the principles to the player, before requiring them.
Bisqwit's difficult puzzles
Collection by Bisqwit
Portal 2 puzzles that either require some serious thinking or rely on difficult maneuvers to complete.
Bisqwit's easy puzzles
Collection by Bisqwit
Puzzles with expected blind playthrough time of 1-5 minutes.
Per page: 9 18 30