Ben   New Zealand
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88 hrs on record
last played on 31 Jan
6,673 hrs on record
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169 hrs on record
last played on 31 Jan
Amity 25 Mar, 2023 @ 5:18am 
hi :shit:
Nehe 25 Mar, 2023 @ 5:17am 
Edit: I w-wouwd wike screams t-to make the x3 point h-h-hewe that my suggestions at the x3 bottom is nyot meant t-to give the x3 game i-incentives t-to fowce peopwe t-to k-k-keep pwaying owd content they don't w-want t-to wathew, give incentive sees bulge that isn't nyecessawy starts twerking but its cewtainwy bettew then 10 tomestonyes a cweaw fow savage :3 wow. whispers to self Thewe awe wike, 10 ways t-to get tomestonyes awweady, making a 11th pwobabwy wont do anything but i-it may hewp sweats and i-it cewtainwy wont fowce anyonye.

This m-might be opinyion but I'm saying this out of my own pewsonyaw obsewvation.

I often heaw onye of the x3 benyefits sweats t-to this game uvw othew mmos, especiawwy wow is that the x3 game "vawues youw time". To a degwee I c-can agwee with that especiawwy as a pewson who pwayed battwe fow azewoth and shadowwands. the runs away daiwies, the x3 wep gwinds, oh god the x3 fwying mount u-unwocks.
TheAlmightyEstroyer 4 Feb, 2017 @ 12:06pm 
Ben is lame
Telepaathy 19 Jun, 2015 @ 1:18am 
Ben Is Lame :happy_creep: