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52 от 52 (100%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения


Finish the storyline
Откл. на 29 февр. 2016 в 9:18

Tomb raider

Gather all artefacts
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 23:34


Destroy 100 asteroids by colliding with them
Откл. на 27 февр. 2016 в 16:38


Explode in a collision with an asteroid
Откл. на 21 февр. 2016 в 20:01


Operate a massive carrier
Откл. на 21 ноем. 2015 в 23:03

You da boss!

Control 2 mercenary ships and 3 fighter squadrons at the same time
Откл. на 21 ноем. 2015 в 23:55


Take 5 times the amount of your hull integrity in damage during a single battle
Откл. на 27 февр. 2016 в 16:52

Ow did I shoot you?

Destroy an enemy with a turret while facing away from it
Откл. на 15 ноем. 2015 в 17:19

Down to the wire

Win a battle with less than 5% hull points remaining
Откл. на 21 февр. 2016 в 9:02

Trickshot Sharpshooter

Destroy an enemy without locking on it
Откл. на 16 ноем. 2015 в 18:27

Ballistic Bastard

Destroy an enemy using only heavy weapons
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 18:11

You're coming with me

Destroy an enemy after your ships is destroyed
Откл. на 21 февр. 2016 в 9:23

Sitting duck plucked

Destroy an enemy while he's charging Power to Engines
Откл. на 14 ноем. 2015 в 18:51

It's raining death

Launch at least 20 missiles in a single battle
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 18:12

Holy Hat-trick

Destroy 3 ships within an interval of 15 seconds
Откл. на 16 ноем. 2015 в 19:21

Overly overt overkill

Destroy an enemy with full shields and hull in less than 3 seconds
Откл. на 16 ноем. 2015 в 19:21

Revenge is sweet

Destroy an enemy that destroyed one of your wingmen within a 5 second interval
Откл. на 27 февр. 2016 в 9:16

Taking candy from a baby

Win a battle against 3 or more enemies without attacking them
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 11:41

Invisible, not invincible

Get destroyed while cloaked
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 9:33

Guardian angel

Save an ally with 10% or less health by destroying his attacker
Откл. на 16 ноем. 2015 в 22:33

Knife to a gunfight

Destroy an enemy by colliding with them
Откл. на 26 февр. 2016 в 20:27


Exceed the maximum engine speed
Откл. на 23 ноем. 2015 в 18:21

There can be only one

Destroy an enemy using only one turret
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 17:51

No more heroes

Kill all heroes
Откл. на 27 февр. 2016 в 15:52

Ground zero

Collide with a planet
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2015 в 23:00

Friendly fire frenzy

Provoke non-hostile ships 10 times
Откл. на 18 февр. 2016 в 10:49

Red Baron in Space

Destroy 100 ships
Откл. на 17 ноем. 2015 в 13:03

Rabid Raygunner

Deal 500000 damage points with beam weapons
Откл. на 18 февр. 2016 в 11:07

Rabid Railgunner

Deal 500000 damage points with railguns
Откл. на 18 ноем. 2015 в 11:04

Rabid Plasmajockey

Deal 500000 damage points with plasma cannons
Откл. на 23 ноем. 2015 в 8:42

Magnificent Meteor Miner

Mine 500 asteroids
Откл. на 27 февр. 2016 в 16:20


Read all tutorials
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2015 в 23:07

Above the law

Do 20 successful smuggling runs on planets
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2015 в 22:59

Now you see me…

Stay cloaked and undetected for 5 minutes
Откл. на 21 февр. 2016 в 16:05

Who wants to be a…

Accumulate 10 million Credits
Откл. на 17 ноем. 2015 в 11:42

Shipping Magnate

Purchase 15 different ships
Откл. на 29 февр. 2016 в 11:04

Hitchhiker's Guide

Explore the entire Gemini system
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 23:04

Warpfactor Freak

Travel via Power to Engines for at least 10 minutes
Откл. на 21 февр. 2016 в 19:49

Travel Agent

Visit all Gemini planets
Откл. на 29 февр. 2016 в 11:09

Manic Mechanic

Enhance all ship systems on a single ship
Откл. на 23 ноем. 2015 в 10:44


Jump through a wormhole
Откл. на 14 ноем. 2015 в 19:13

Hope you're insured

Destroy a freightliner
Откл. на 18 ноем. 2015 в 11:30

No galaxy for old men

Destroy 15 veterans
Откл. на 26 ноем. 2015 в 9:32


Destroy a station
Откл. на 29 февр. 2016 в 8:52

Kick a man when he is down

Loot a derelict
Откл. на 14 ноем. 2015 в 19:03

Gun for hire

Solve 20 freelance missions
Откл. на 15 ноем. 2015 в 15:36

Prison break

Successfully raid an Off-world Prison with your Troops
Откл. на 21 февр. 2016 в 19:26

Catch the wave dude

Use T-Drive
Откл. на 28 ноем. 2015 в 23:01


Capture a ship
Откл. на 15 ноем. 2015 в 17:42

Critically acclaimed

Deal 50 critical hits
Откл. на 14 ноем. 2015 в 19:31

Gemini barbecue

Buy a shipment of meat and Hogwash and then fly into the suns till your ship almost pops
Откл. на 16 февр. 2016 в 22:10

Rebel strike

Destroy 10 Empire Ships
Откл. на 21 ноем. 2015 в 23:59