0ctopo 6 Feb @ 8:33pm 
냄새나는 게이
Jackk 6 Feb @ 8:21pm 
LOL 😅😂🤣 How🤷‍♂️ can 👦🏿Africa👦🏿 NOT🚫❌ get any water💧 when all they👥 got👉 to do💪 is👉 dig⛏ a 2️⃣✖️2️⃣ hole🕳 and 🅿️our💧2️⃣ water💦 🅱️uckets 🅰️t o🅿️🅿️osite c🅾️rners to Ⓜ️ake an infinite🔁 water🌊 source👍👌💯
Jackk 6 Feb @ 8:19pm 
Oh, how very big of you. You're an alpha male, are you? Well, let me clue you in on something: Alpha Males haven't been in charge for a good couple of decades. Obviously, this tirade is directed on a High School level. Once you get out of high school, and begin working at your dead-end office job, you know who your boss is going to be? That's right, that pasty nerd you made fun of. It's funny, you see. The majority of the women you are talking about, despite the blatant lies you've slipped in, and the generalizations which remain moderately untrue, are frankly, idiotic sluts.
Jackk 6 Feb @ 8:19pm 
The fact that you're trying to taunt us with them is inane, because while they sound appealing in text, in reality, we wouldn't want anything to do with the ****ing skanks. And furthermore, thank you for "****ing every girl in the school (I bet you can bench 2000 pounds too, amirite?)." Honestly, thank you. Why, you may ask? Because, by taking away the easy route, you have brought pain upon us. You have brought us misery, you have forced us to adapt to that misery, and to grow as people. Luxury doesn't incite growth, pain does.
Jackk 6 Feb @ 8:18pm 
So while you're busy sticking it in your AIDS-ridden skanks, we're studying, learning, gaining skills that are necessary for life. You may scoff at this, call us stupid nerds for not getting the ♥♥♥♥♥ while it's hot, but guess what? We're going to get it eventually. You said so yourself, women love power. So, eventually, you're going to find a women you love as much as she primally needs you. You're going to get married, maybe settle down a bit. Wild sex for the first two years, but after a while, she'll get ansy. She'll grow tired of the novelty of the Alpha Male. Your relationship will become the dull forced marriage that is seen constantly in America. You'll likely divorce her and move on, getting a younger wife that'll need you as much as your old wife did when you first married.
Jackk 6 Feb @ 8:18pm 
Seems swell, doesn't it? I can assure you, it isn't. By now, we have risen to power. While you live the life of the swingers, we are the Senators, the Chairmen, we are the rulers of life as you know it. We have transcended your pitiful existence, and control every aspect of your very fate, without you even so much as noticing. By now, we have the money and the power, and as Scarface once said (We know you love him, and have his poster on your bedroom wall,'cause you're cool like that) next we get the women. And guess who it is that loves power, as you said women do? That's right, it's your little skank of a wife! Now, most of us will likely have settled down with a wife, but I'm sure there are plenty that would be glad to take your wife when she dumps your sorry ass to go to the people she knows have the real power. And, as we get older, our fortunes and power will grow. We'll eventually get a few trophy wives, settle down a bit, and live in the lap of luxury.
Jackk 6 Feb @ 8:17pm 
Meanwhile, you, the "Alpha Male" will be left alone. By the time you hit thirty, your primal attraction, your ONLY asset, will begin to fade. Your third wife in ten years will grow tired of your old, pitiful body, and will leave you. Stuck in a dead-end job as one of our pawns, you will grow old and even less appealing. Eventually you will die an old and unloved man, either by taking your own life, drowning yourself in booze, or perhaps merely out of your own misery. So go ahead. Brag about how many women you are ****ing. Call us losers. We may seem to be upset, and you may mock our pain, but I assure you, we know your fate. And we are smiling inside
kb 5 Feb @ 10:50am 
Fyo ninja lil bro
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:41am 
Yeah and? You literally killed our team mates, missed the guy you was trying to kill and killed randoms lol. Can shout you know I haven't got mum shouting at me, aint mad lil bro
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:40am 
You literally screamed the N word at me after I took bullied your profile picture yikes. Fragile skinny midget. Comebacks lmao you've got no game lil bro, you get notifications bc its my profile, I comment however I want lil bro.
Fyo 5 Feb @ 10:39am 
it got you so mad that you started knifing me and screaming at me i was laughing so hard at you
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:38am 
Fyo stop being a ninja and take that ski mask off. You ain't got the money to go skiing with that. You trying to rob someone's nan?
Fyo 5 Feb @ 10:38am 
for some reason i keep getting notifications whenever you comment here unc... maybe practice on your comebacks better because all i heard was screaming and repeating my words in vc hahaha
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:35am 
If you've talked about is my age is that all you've got lil bro. Clearly making you mad yikes. Think you're a bit mad if you keep commenting
Fyo 5 Feb @ 10:35am 
i don't even know him "big man jake" cs ain't gonna pay the bills unc
Fyo 5 Feb @ 10:34am 
"lil bro" "lil bro" "lil bro" is that all you got ya bloody div XD british unc
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:34am 
Weren't you one losing site straight away every single round with your boyfriend to the point where even the randoms started flaming you? Yikes
Fyo 5 Feb @ 10:33am 
yeah.. you're the smart one camping every round baiting the whole team and saving almost every round
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:30am 
The guy got that mad he started screaming the N word at me because his 1 IQ toaster brain hasn't developed past that yet
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:27am 
Reason we lost the entire game, invest your hours else where lil bro
big man jake 5 Feb @ 10:26am 
I aint mad at all? You're the cringe guy commenitng and deleting comments? You should change your bio bc you aint it lil bro
Fyo 5 Feb @ 10:16am 
it's ok id be mad too if i got ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ by a teenager at 30 years old
big man jake 5 Feb @ 9:45am 
Blocks me to comment on profile, but comments on mine? Yikes
big man jake 5 Feb @ 9:44am 
Only can talk about my age yikes, because I've got a deep voice doesnt even know my age. Can tell the guy has low iq. Must be third world country
big man jake 5 Feb @ 9:43am 
keeps the -rep walls tho xdddd cringe just want to boost your fragile ego ski mask the batty God
Fyo 5 Feb @ 9:42am 
a grown adult btw XD
big man jake 5 Feb @ 9:41am 
Deleted comment as well cringe baby guy xd
big man jake 5 Feb @ 9:40am 
Man wears a ski mask thinking he's hard, when i call him out on it, he starts to cry like baby. You aint scaring anyone lil bro
Fyo 5 Feb @ 9:39am 
unc pushing 30 talking ♥♥♥♥ im crying bro
JJ 4 Feb @ 6:01pm 
big man jake 22 Jan @ 6:24pm 
big man jake 22 Jan @ 6:20pm 
big man jake 22 Jan @ 6:20pm 
vaiBoor 22 Jan @ 6:19pm 
you ugly little uk no hand ahahhaha bitchass just stop playing this game and go card shop simulator LOOOL
big man jake 22 Jan @ 6:19pm 
Just cant admit you're 0iq
vaiBoor 22 Jan @ 6:18pm 
and when you starting to lose youre mind and starting screaming im not the one whos started flaming so calm down you virgin you guys are coming at me not the other way so shut the ♥♥♥ up
big man jake 22 Jan @ 6:18pm 
There was no one mid you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doughnut if you was at site with us you'd know that, 0 IQ play banana you idiot play with team
vaiBoor 22 Jan @ 6:17pm 
If you need me with 4 people in an eco round on banana its your fault youre getting trashed down because you have no skill its as simple as that my friend
vaiBoor 22 Jan @ 5:40pm 
eh bro im sry but you guys are the ones who cant take simple criticism, first youre writing in caps instantly see how mad and psycho you are in the match you started screaming after 2 seconds like a downsyndrome kiddo whos 15 years old and ♥♥♥♥♥ his cousin so calm down a little virgin when you dont know how to play this game after 2 k hours like you you should go back and play tetris or mario kart type ♥♥♥♥ you uk people are really the lowest of the low
0ctopo 21 Jan @ 3:50pm 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⡏⢢⡁⠂⠤⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀ ⠤⠐⢈⡔⢹
⣰⠊⠉⠉⠉⡇⠀⠢⣤⣄⠀⠀ ⣠⣤⠔⠀⢸
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KHAMENEI 20 Jan @ 1:16pm 
Pls delete your picture u look like a gay rat
KHAMENEI 13 Jan @ 8:17am 
HAHAH i agree with ATIGOSS and DUSK -REP DOG
ΛTIG0SS' ツ 12 Jan @ 7:02pm 
- rep toxic player
Dusk 12 Jan @ 6:59pm 
-rep 0 aim talk a lot and needs to but new headsets cuz he's deaf
KHAMENEI 12 Jan @ 11:14am 
u are so ugly hahahah uninstall your life
big man jake 8 Jan @ 12:54pm 
Go have a big orgy with your boyfriends, weirdo's commenting on my profile everyday lmao
big man jake 8 Jan @ 12:52pm 
Again that's you doing that you weird little man
KHAMENEI 8 Jan @ 11:19am 
this dude spends 8 hours a day to comment our profile haha sad life -rep
big man jake 8 Jan @ 8:49am 
big man jake 8 Jan @ 8:48am 
who the ♥♥♥♥ this guy