Daniel   Moskva, Russian Federation
Read info below
Just so you know...
Discord - your.benefactor
For people curious what happened to me
Hello, my name is Daniel, but people more likely know me as "Benefactor. I was playing games in Steam and Epic games for maybe 8 years. Games mostly used to escape reality for illusional success. It worked for me and I enjoyed palying games, but within the years you can start to feel boring. When I say boring, I mean extremely boring. I just lost the sense of everything in the games. I assumed that games cannot bring joy to me anymore, but in fact they were doing their best. The thing is that I cannot recive the joy that they're providing me, I just can't take it and feel the same as the first time.

You may say "It's temporarly and you'll get over this", at some point you'll be right, but not completely.
This was just a break moment of this long process that started it's way since I started to play games.
Usual recomendation from people that I would likely to hear "Bro, just talk to your friends or family".
I don't have any friends that I can tell literally everything, but I have a great family. And yes, I've talked with my mom about it, it made me feel better not gonna lie, but problem is still there, it didn't left me.
Maybe I've just grown up and it's just a period of changes, Anyway understanding of the this won't make it feel easier. Not like it suppose to though, I mean why it even should be for my benefit?

Also wanted to mention, that I wasn't completely alone whole this time. Although you must admit that the majority of "friends" in steam are more likely your "drinking buddy", but there were people that was nice to me and I replied back to them same. Of course it wasn't all about the happines, there was sad and frustrating moments, though they barely affected me.

I've made a lot of content for Garry's mod especially, screenshotsm, wallpapers, dupes, save and etc.
I think this is one of the things that will remain after me, a thing people will associate me with.
I was thinking about my wallpapers as an artist, one interesting thought came up to me. Usually walpapers are depict some scene or object, but never the artist himself (in my case).

In conclusion, I would like to say that, I'm not angry at anyone and I don't regret anything.
All of us eventually will stay with nothing except the memories.
Maybe i will play in certaion games sometimes, but probably not for long.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments if you would like to.
CS:S cosplay
46 6 2
Garry's Mod
7 6 1
wretched sinner ☦ 18 ต.ค. @ 12: 09am 
привет брат
Paladin Danse 20 ส.ค. @ 4: 42am 
this is the benefactor breen was talkin about
Lupa Zapupovic 18 ส.ค. @ 3: 37pm 
Лучший мардер
Kot_3adrot 10 ก.ค. @ 2: 17am 
Здравствуйте, уважаемый "Benefactor"! Ваши иллюстрации прекрасны, я бы хотел пригласить вас на свой Discord-сервер, посвящённый деятелям сообщества Steam. В основном, люди на сервере рекламируют свои работы, общаются, делятся опытом.
Если вам интересно, то примите, пожалуйста, мою заявку в друзья, и я вас приглашу
emu otori 23 พ.ค. @ 11: 40pm 
76561199558841993 13 เม.ย. @ 6: 26pm 
+rep, add me pls