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makarnasihook 11 Sep @ 11:40pm 
Its illegal to own a tiger for some reason???? I don’t know why but I guess people just don’t like big cuddly cats. Some people are just too beta to handle real ♥♥♥♥♥. I’ll just settle for a large dog, maybe one with stripes so I can at least pretend its an imitation tiger and teach it to roar or chuff. Whatever, ♥♥♥♥♥ ass lawmakers can’t even handle real men, everything has to be reduced to the lowest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ denominator, that’s why india and the UK along with china made tigers endangered, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beta males intimidated by large ♥♥♥♥♥.
ITS STALKOVER 13 Jun @ 2:15am 
bi salak orospu evladı sabah akşam rust diğeri sadece payday özelden karides sever misin yazıyor diğeri pubg oynuyor bütün gün whatsappa hikaye olarak atıyor kazanmayı
i 18 May @ 10:31am 
büyük peyser
Menque 22 Feb @ 1:52am 
makarnasihook 6 Feb @ 5:56am 
Remote yapmayı unutma sen onu
Menque 5 Feb @ 12:28am 
I rape you very very good