Niedersachsen, Germany
~Größe ist kein Maßstab für Macht~

Today we fight with our brothers and Xenos on one site to destroy our both enemy's. The demon Ka'Banda with is army and the Hive Fleet Leviathan, both come to destroy us. We are the last hope of our galaxy. We are the defenders of the empire, we are the Space Marines from the legion of the Blood Angels and her Descendants. Let the enemy come and we will show him our strength and destroy him. For the humanity! For the emperor! FOR SANGUINIUS!!!
+++ Commander Dante 999.M41 +++
where yo momm att 2020年4月27日 5時49分 
Mickey Mouse 2018年3月31日 12時45分 
└📁! Manstein
└⚠️ This folder is empty
bastira94 2018年3月10日 20時23分 
nurd ?
Riley 2018年3月10日 19時53分 
bastira94 2017年7月2日 12時49分 
RIFTMAKER 2017年1月18日 10時13分 