Delhi, India
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crosshair code: CSGO-XS32H-5j9Rf-RYfUX-hZDEJ-kj74E
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ButterChicken 21 jul, 2024 @ 13:29 
was weeb until he became cool
I MISS HER 25 dec, 2023 @ 1:37 
was cool until he became weeb
Misfittt 8 dec, 2023 @ 6:47 
सागर की
गहराई से
गहरा है
अपना प्यार
सेहराओं की
इन हवाओं में
कैसे आएगी बहार
कहाँ से ये हवा आई
घटायें काली क्यों छायी
ख़फ़ा हो गए हम
जुदा हो गए हम

वो लम्हे
वो बातें
कोई ना जाने
थी कैसी रातें
हो बरसातें
वो भीगी भीगी यादें
वो भीगी भीगी यादें
Kawaii Neko-Chan UwU Nya Nyah 17 jul, 2023 @ 10:08 
i want to edate him alone :(
Clitourist 17 jul, 2023 @ 10:07 
A full body massage is an all-over experience for your mind and body, as each part of you is relaxed, unwound and restored to perfect harmony. Full body massages cost between NGN 15,000 and NGN 100,000, and they usually last around 40 minutes to 1 hour 30
Rudy 17 jul, 2023 @ 10:07 

10 minutes = $20
30 minutes = $40
1-3 hour = $70
4-6 hours = $100
10+ hours = $300

good morning/night text = $5
per day "i love you" = $5
per message "i love you" with a chosen pet name after = $10
per message pet names pack (regular texting with additional pet name of your choice) = $70

putting you in my status = $35
putting you in my status with a pet name in front of your name = $50

10 minutes of matching pfp = $10