
Barret232hxc 最近的评测

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总时数 5.9 小时
been playing this a lot on the steam deck. I've been playing the 10-minute mode b/c I don't really have the time to do the 20-minute one. I love just doing a run when I have a few moments of free time. Unlocking new characters and weapons and runes is really fun. I do wish you could get achievements when playing the 10-minute mode, that's basically my only negative so far.

This game is basically vampire survivors but you actually can control your attacking. I also enjoy the art and theme of this game better than vampire survivors. I think both are good games and this game has done a good on taking vampire survivors and expanding on it. I would say if you're a fan of vampire survivors you'll most likely enjoy this game. And the price point makes it pretty easy to recommend as well.

So far I love using Spark with the smgs,

upgrades that make her a beast :
- electro bug ( more electricity is always good )
- electro mage ( even more electricity yes please )
- haste ( move faster and increase fire rate )
- double shot ( makes your smgs even more powerful )
- rapid fire ( we wanna shoot fast of course )
- quick hands ( increase that fire speed plus reload faster, reloading won't be as important when you get energized )
- energized ( this one really makes her shine with the smgs you barely ever reload )

发布于 2022 年 7 月 14 日。
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总时数 16.2 小时 (评测时 4.8 小时)
This reminds me of Battleborn which was one of my favorite games. I kept wanting to play another match but it's 3am and I have work at 9am so I gotta call it quits haha.

So far Bug is probably my fav
发布于 2020 年 5 月 21 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 7.6 小时
If you're like me and grew up with Bomberman then you might get some good memories from the olden days of gaming. Now this isn't Bomberman but it has a Bomberman vibe and it's super colorful with fun enemies. Even if you never heard of Bomberman or didn't like it, this game is very unique in itself so don't let that detour you.

At first, you might think hey this game isn't that hard it's pretty easy but each new world and level keeps adding to the challenge and you'll be trying to get through to the end just to fight each new boss and see all the new enemies.

Unfortunately I didn't get to play the game in co-op mode yet but I can only imagine it's even more fun.
发布于 2020 年 5 月 4 日。
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总时数 1.0 小时 (评测时 0.9 小时)
I have been watching the developing of this game since it's very early stages that I discovered via the devlogs on youtube and it's been amazing to follow the development of this game and see where it's gone today. I can't wait to see where things end up at the end of the journey through early access.

The air movement in this game is just so fun. You can basically never touch the ground if you don't want to. But everything feels so smooth and fluid. I kept wanting to play another run but I have work to do today so I have to take a break and write this review haha.

My main take aways
- Game is very fun and fluid
- Sound design and music is godlike
- the pixel art is drop dead gorgeous
- the devs rock and they like pizza!

I have played this game during the alpha testing phases and I still feel like the game is fun and was worth every penny!
发布于 2020 年 2 月 8 日。
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总时数 5.4 小时 (评测时 2.4 小时)
So I've played a lot of roguelites and you're thinking ok how is this one different than all the other games on the market. Well besides being very fun and having some jamming music.

The game uses a unique combat system where you don't actually fire your attack. The attack is initiated when you get close enough to enemies. So it creates this really unique gameplay where you are jumping around like a madman trying to avoid the attacks of enemies but get close enough to damage them. Then there are all kinds of power-ups that really make you want to keep playing more and more to see what kind you'll get this next run.

The game also features local and online coop for up to 4 players. Sadly I've only tried the solo mode, but I can only imagine the game is even more fun with friends.
发布于 2019 年 8 月 17 日。
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总时数 1.7 小时 (评测时 1.1 小时)
Growing up in the country on a dirt road I would take sharp turns around the corners but I could never pull off donuts in fear of flying into the ditch. Well now I get to live out my childhood dreams but from the safety of my home without flying into a ditch. I can't comment on the multiplayer aspect which I really wanna try out but it requires this thing called friends. However the training mode has lots of challenge. I am really enjoying the mode where you do donuts to color in the tires.

Anyways it's a fun game and you should try it out!!!!
发布于 2019 年 4 月 10 日。
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总时数 13.8 小时 (评测时 9.0 小时)
When you're just being the best Duke of Defense that you can be and a helpful Deer Comes along so you can ride on it's back to take out an Ice wizard and you just start laughing out of nowhere you realize wow I'm having such a good time

I haven't even got to try the coop but I can only imagine it will be that much better with a friend
发布于 2019 年 4 月 6 日。
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总时数 0.4 小时
I really like the concept of the game and I was really getting into solving the puzzles and then bam it was all over. I actually liked the game so much that I played it twice in a row just to enjoy it a second time. Not sure if the intentions were to make the game this short and see how people enjoyed it. I think the game could really expand with the main mechanic in interesting ways. Maybe a sequel will happen. Also the no save option I thought was interesting but given the short time it takes to complete I think it wasn't an issue.
发布于 2018 年 3 月 8 日。
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总时数 0.6 小时
I mean what other game can you play as a guinea pig with a rocket strapped to it's back flying through the air fighting a giant snail on a red wagon. The game is short but there are many different characters you can play as with differet powerups to select. I thought there was a lot of life put into the animations of the enemies and backgrounds. Yes the cutscenes weren't the same quality but who plays shootemups for cutscenes. It's all about the gameplay. For the price point it feels like I got a good deal. I think your guinea pig that the game was in memory of would be quite satisfied with mr cheeks
发布于 2018 年 1 月 15 日。
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总时数 50.4 小时 (评测时 43.3 小时)
At first this game wasn't fun back in the alpha days. The maps were too big and they hadn't refined things. I stopped playing and thought well overwatch is going to be the better game. Well I got overwatch and enjoyed it. I came back to this game after the open beta and was highly impressed. I've been playing it on ps4 right now as well even though I have overwatch I have more fun in Paladins. Bomb King is love Bomb King is life
发布于 2016 年 12 月 22 日。
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