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Pretty 👧🏽 Marlowe ✿ 16 fev. 2020 às 21:20 
❋ What
🍖 ☼ is
🐛🥞 ✏ food
👾🍆🚗 ☆ to
🚙🎁⛳😺 ♪ one,
🌂🍧🐠🍇🔋 ✫ is
👳🐝🏓📘🎄💛 ☣ to others bitter poison. -- Titus Lucretius Carus
76561198394648851 3 jul. 2017 às 7:03 
▶ 🔘______________00:10
✪ jAnfM <noscopeglasses.com> 22 jul. 2016 às 12:53 
One Lunch Man 17 dez. 2015 às 5:26 
+rep has big ♥♥♥♥ disorder, inherited from allah ahkbar after he was poisoned by a granola snackbar, liek if you cri everytime.
Nick Ho. 10 out. 2015 às 10:31 
+rep good trader