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Nylige anmeldelser av Balamung

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Viser 11–19 av 19 bidrag
Ingen har angitt at denne anmeldelsen er nyttig ennå
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
135.6 timer totalt (44.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Hitman remains one of my favorite series with this new entry,
The 5 new maps (let's not count the prologue) are great, with again lots of possibilities, and provide neat new sandboxes for our favorite bald assassin to do what he does best.
Sure, if you rush through the game just for the sake of finishing all the maps, you'll be in for a disappointment.
But replaying the maps, even the ones from season one which I surprisingly still know like the back of my hand, never gets old.
This game is in my top 3 for 2018, maybe close to GOTY.
Publisert 5. desember 2018.
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84.1 timer totalt (49.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I bought the game not expecting much, but in the end, got myself with a very nice game.
Combat feels finally interesting, optionnal content doesn't feel as forced as feather-hunting, and the overall sandboxy aspect of the game is well exploited.
Publisert 22. november 2017.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
41.8 timer totalt (22.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Best game of 2017 to me so far. The immersion is incredible, both through the story and the gameplay. Except for the last third of the game that felt a bit off, not much else to say, except recommanding any fan of the genre to play this game ASAP.
Publisert 11. mai 2017.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.0 timer totalt
Season 1 over ? Want to have more ? Season 2 is here to provide !

Starting with the start, the training missions sets the tone to this season : A&S now have many more tools to create their missions. Audio/video manipulation, command line interfaces, and other goodies gives you another slap of immersion in the face. These additions also make your agent toolkit expand, requiring more perception to correctly choose the right tool for the job.

Even though I haven' t finished it yet (About 80% complete), the overall story feels more present and coherent, I didn't get that "Why are we doing this all of a sudden ?" feeling I had at times in season 1. I feel no lassitude from playing the game, always eager to dive-in some more.

So all in all, more great content, more lore, more fun, go ahead and play it already !
Publisert 6. desember 2016.
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3.7 timer totalt
A classic for good reasons, it's always a pleasure to do another run of this game.
Publisert 23. november 2016.
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69.5 timer totalt (53.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Lots of fun, nice replayability. Can't wait for season 2.
Publisert 15. november 2016.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
50.9 timer totalt (22.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game piqued my curiosity as soon as I learned it's existence, and after a few minutes in, I was hooked. The riddles/puzzles/thingies are very well constructed, and feel rewarding when you figure out the answer.
The story is very immersive, after some time, you'll probably feel like an analyst of the agency, sitting behind his desk, analyzing various datas and reports.
The devs are always reachable through the forums and answer quickly to any problem you might have (They really love their baby).
The community is really great, there is always someone who will help you by giving you some advice or a hint.
On top of that, you add the live events, a mix of real-life missions, coupled with IRC frenzy to collectively solve the event, and you obtain a very enjoyable game, easily worth it's price =)
Publisert 26. august 2016. Sist endret 26. august 2016.
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31.2 timer totalt (16.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
C'est rigolo comme jeu !
Publisert 30. oktober 2015.
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2.8 timer totalt (1.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Very nice tower offence/defense, they manage to polish the first game, and add great new mechanics =)
Publisert 11. juli 2014.
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