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13 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

The Forest Kingdom

Complete all levels in the Forest Kingdom

The Lake Kingdom

Complete all levels in the Lake Kingdom

The Sky Kingdom

Complete all levels in the Sky Kingdom

The Fallen Kingdom

Complete the Fallen Kingdom


Win the Battle for the Last Kingdom

The Way It Was, Not Long Ago

Restore the Barrier and usher in a new era of peace

The Way It Was, Many Years Ago

Destroy the Cage and usher in a new era of freedom

Forest Explorer

Found all the spirit birds in the Forest Kingdom

Lake Explorer

Found all the spirit birds in the Lake Kingdom

Sky Explorer

Found all the spirit birds in the Sky Kingdom


Found all of the spirit birds across the world

Escape Artist

Escape the Fallen Kingdom in under 10 minutes

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