中文 :subaruchill: | English :zagsnooze: | Steam broadcast open to all :p2cube:
Puzzle/Mystery :p2aperture: :shinji: :aa_edgeworth: | Soundtrack :heyred: :sleepyjill:
Nonlinear :428_Tama: | Unreliable narrator :katana_psych: :speechless: :possession:
Screenshot Showcase
Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition
Review Showcase
2.6 Hours played
A must for fans of the genre, and a great pickup for anyone who doesn't mind some reading.

A legendary Famitsu perfect score game, and still the only AVG/Visual Novel on the list in the past 20 years, 428 is top of the genre, and one of my favorite games across all genres since I first played it on PSP. I kept my PSP around just so that I can revisit it every now and then.

With a compelling plot, intriguing characters, meaningful and easily navigable gameplay, great atmosphere setup, wonderful arts (stills taken from live action), amazing music, and smart humor, 428 is a game and a story everyone can relate to and enjoy. There's no fancy sci-fi fantasy like time traveling or telepathy, no hunger game level killing each other, no gore, no voice acting, but this game brought me the most anticipation, most excitement, and most emotions.

I doubt there will be many other games I enjoy and love as much and I wish more people get to experience this wonderful journey. I can't recommend it enough.
Personal GOTY/Best Indie 年度最爱游戏
:2018bestaward: Personal GOTY/Best Indie 年度最爱游戏
2007: Trails in the Sky the 3rd 空之轨迹3rd
2008: 428 Shibuya Scramble 428被封锁的涩谷 :428_Tama: | Devil May Cry 4 鬼泣4 | Zwei II 双星物语2 :alwencheer:
2010: Mass Effect 2 质量效应2
2011: Portal 2 传送门2 :p2cube: | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 上古卷轴5 :falkwreath:
2012: Borderlands 2 无主之地2 | Dishonored 耻辱
2013: Bioshock Infinite 生化奇兵无限 :bird:
2014: Transistor 晶体管 :heyred:
2015: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
2016: Persona 5 女神异闻录5 | Dishonored 2 耻辱2 :DOMINODH2:
2017: Horizon Zero Dawn 地平线零之曙光 | What Remains of Edith Finch 艾迪芬奇的记忆 :finchcrest:
2018: Spiderman 蜘蛛侠 | Return of the Obra Dinn 奥伯拉·丁的回归
2019: 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim 十三机兵防卫圈 (PS4) | Katana Zero 武士零 :katana_zero:
2020: Paradise Killer 天堂岛杀手 :shinji:
2022: Horizon Forbidden West 地平线西之绝境
2023: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 塞尔达王国之泪 (NS) | Baldur's Gate 3 博德之门3
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A_Magou 23 May, 2021 @ 10:08pm 
The Foot In His Mouth 12 Dec, 2016 @ 6:28am 
With Tropical Skyrim, gotta say I'm loving True Vision only because it helps balance out the exaggerated saturation levels TS brings to the plate. With Vanilla Skyrim you actually want more saturation, and the Balanced Natural ENB 2016 did well for that. Realvision is a good choice for vanilla too, but getting it working was no easy task.

If you're playing Skyrim Special Edition, though, Re-Engaged Reshade + ENB is the only way to go. Reshade is a separate program, yes, but it's fairly low latency (apart from the actual graphics enhancing) and is super easy to set up.
祥瑞先生 27 Jun, 2016 @ 12:11am 
DaGou 22 Dec, 2015 @ 6:05pm 
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