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Fellow Destiny 2 Player/Enjoyer, How to Talk to a Girl

1.Catch her eye. You don't have to do anything elaborate or dramatic to do this -- in fact, you probably shouldn't. Just smile at her from across the room, excuse yourself as you brush past her, or just lock eyes, look away, and then look back at her after enough time has passed. You don't have to say hi to her the second you notice her; instead, you can spend some time making her curious about you first. If you already know the girl, of course, then don't play too hard to get and go right up and say hi to her. If you feel you have the confidence, why not introduce yourself?

-Make sure to keep up confident body language as you approach. Keep your head up high, your gaze straight ahead of you, and maintain good posture as you approach her.
-If you wait too long to say hello, she might feel like she's getting ignored.

2.Introduce yourself. All you have to do is say, "Hello, I'm Joe -- what's your name?" Or, "I'm Joe. It's nice to meet you." You could also start by asking her about something you have in common, such as a class you both share. When she responds and gives you her name, reach out and lightly shake her hand. Don't be awkward about it. Sure, it may feel a little old school, but it's the way mature people introduce themselves. If you already know the girl, you can just say hi and make sure to use her name.

-Once you know the girl's name, use it a few times so she thinks that you're really invested in the conversation and care about what she has to say. Just once or twice is enough.
-A helpful trick when you're introducing yourself to a new girl is to pretend that you have a girlfriend/wife and they're standing next to you. Don't say anything to a girl that you wouldn't feel comfortable saying in front of your girlfriend/wife if you had one. This will stop you from saying anything off-putting that could make a girl uncomfortable. Keep things light and casual at first

3.Be yourself. Loosen up and let this girl see who you really are. If you're a goofy, funny guy, make her laugh. If you're more serious, talk to her about topics that are interesting and meaningful without being too serious instead of cracking tons of jokes -- unless jokes are your thing. Also, while you need to find out about her, you also need to tell her yourself so that she can get to know you. This is a part of being yourself. But whatever you do, make sure you don't spend the whole time talking about yourself, ask her about herself and even if you're not, you should act genuinely interested in her answer.

-Remember that, while it's important to be yourself, you should hold back on the more eccentric stuff, the kind of qualities that make people say, "You have to get to know him first..." You don't want to creep her out! Try to talk about things she might be interested in as well.

4.Smile. This can help a lot. It shows that you are enjoying the conversation and that you feel comfortable, which will make the girl continue talking with you.[4] Try to have a natural expression that has your lips slightly upturned in a smile, and at the appropriate moments, smile bigger and grin. You don't have to smile the whole time, but smiling at key moments at the beginning of a conversation can make the girl feel appreciated. If she says something funny, laugh.

-Smiling will put the girl at ease and will make her feel like you really like what she has to say.
-Don't smile the whole time, obviously, or you'll look nervous, or even constipated.

5.Stay away from the personal stuff. If you like the girl, then sure, the goal is to get to know her on a deep level eventually, but that doesn't mean you should talk about your grief over your grandmother's death or to describe the rash on your back in great detail seconds after you meet. Instead, pick light topics that are inoffensive and are easy to talk about, such as your pets, favorite bands, or hobbies, so that you don't make the girl uncomfortable before you really get to know each other. Showing you care in the smallest ways, can make their whole day better.

-Picking light topics to start off doesn't mean you have to pick boring topics. You don't have to talk about the weather just to avoid saying anything slightly personal. Unless you live somewhere where people are actually interested in the weather, then talk about it.
-Follow the flow of the conversation. Sometimes two people really hit it off and start opening up to each other much faster than they would expect. If the girl starts opening up to you and really trusts you, you can hold back a bit less, too.

6.Find common ground. Try to steer the topic in the direction of something you both care about, from your obsession with Community to your love of biking. You don't have to do this by asking her about her five favorite bands, types of food, hobbies, or forms of exercise; you can just listen to the natural flow of the conversation, and see if you can find something you both like, or if you can get her to notice something you like. For example, if you casually mention that you were coming back from the A's game yesterday, then she'll respond if she's a big A's fan, too.

-When you're talking, make sure you ask open-ended questions instead of "yes" or "no" questions, so you can keep the conversation going.[5]
-Make sure to avoid awkward silences! Remember: things will only be awkward if you make them awkward, be confident and keep the conversation flowing as best as you can.
-Don't despair if you feel like you have nothing in common. You'll be able to find something eventually if you keep up a fun conversation for long enough.
-It may turn out that you don't have so much in common, but that you click because you have similar personalities or outlooks. That's great, too.
-When you mention a band you like, ask her if she likes the band too; let her see that you care about her interests when you're talking about yours.

7.Make eye contact while you're talking. This is another way to make her feel special. You don't have to stare into her eyes like you're searching for your own reflection and creep her out, but you should make a point of giving her all of your attention, and not looking down at your phone or scoping out the room to see if anyone more interesting has walked by. You can break eye contact every once in a while, but only to keep things interesting, not to show that you're bored.[6]

-Making eye contact shows confidence. If you make a point of locking eyes with the girl, she'll see that you're confident about getting to know her.

8.Express interest in her thoughts and opinions. Listen intently when she speaks. Girls like guys that listen to them and like what they say. Don't constantly interrupt her to state your opinion; let her talk and share thoughts with you. However, show that you're listening by nodding, saying "yes" or "no" at the appropriate times, and answering her questions.

-Ask her what she thinks about whatever it is you care about -- your favorite music, the new fashion trends this season, or the importance of friendship.
-Though it's important to ask for her opinion, try to avoid talking about religion or politics immediately, or you may get into an argument you didn't anticipate.
-When she says something, make sure you respond and show that you're listening by rephrasing what she says occasionally. You can say, "I completely agree with what you said about how hard it is to stay in touch with friends who move out of town..." to show that you're hanging on to her every word.

9.Give her a subtle compliment. You should compliment an aspect of her personality or her looks without freaking her out to show her that you care. If you like her type of music, or the books she reads, tell her that she has great taste. It's all right to compliment her clothes, hair, or jewelry, but you'll really win a girl's heart if she sees that you're into more than just her outside.
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lagi mandi 29 Apr, 2022 @ 2:55am 
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