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Recente recensies door Fern

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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
57.0 uur in totaal (43.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Going illegal speeds and violating traffic laws AND getting away with it WITHOUT crashes feels amazing. But not gonna lie, turning on the in-game live radio and just cruising on the highway melts all your troubles away and giving you a peace of mind.

Geplaatst 11 februari 2024.
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97.2 uur in totaal (43.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
After giving it a fair chance of 41 hours, it feels more of a chore to do the objective in the game rather than being tactical and stealthy, which the main focus of the game is supposed to be.

Level design:
The game will tell you to go to X and do something there, so you go there but you will always stumble upon a door that you are missing a keycard for going to the objective, so you have to explore other doors in order to get the keycard. In the end you pretty much explore the entire level to scour for supplies so you can survive.

Half of the levels are filled to the brim with infectious fog that will make you lose health and reduce your max health every second you sit in it, the game will offer you fog repellers to deal with it, but they are very limited in terms of usage, range and runs out very fast, so unless you throw them at the right spots you will have to deal with walking blindly in the fog and get next to no health for the remainder of the level.

If that isn't bad enough, there are monsters in the fog, your visibility is actually so limited you can't even see 1 meter in front of you until you bump into a wall or an object, so unless you have a teammate that is willing to talk 24/7 and have a bio tracker equipped (It tells you the location of enemies), and has the patience to tell you if you are facing the right direction or not, you are screwed. More often than not, you are screwed anyway because the game always puts clusters of enemies right nearby each other so even if you quietly kill one, the nearby ones will automatically aggro so it is up to team effort to take them out all at once before one of them alerts the whole room.

Going loud moments:
If a monster hears you making enough noise, they will start getting up and alert the room, so your only option is to sneak up to them and melee them in the head, a lot of times it will go wrong because either people fail to execute killing a cluster of enemies in 4 seconds or the monsters are just so annoying doing the schizophrenia movement that one of them wakes up, because every single monster has a separate timer that makes them scan nearby movement and sound every 8 seconds or something for 4 seconds long, and it fastens if they hear nearby sound/movement. So it is already annoying to try and get close. So, they get alerted, and you start going pew pew because all monsters apart from the basic type one or two, are deadly to confront with melee.

All levels has alarm doors, you will have to do at least 6 of them in every level and you have to do them if you want to continue to get to your objective. You can be as tactical as you want with setting up turrets at the right positions behind doors or mines but bullets are definitely getting spent. It is basically wave defense while trying to secure areas in the room the alarm door is in. Not much of a problem, other than if you run out of ammo you are basically dead because they just swarm you over otherwise.

It is the single most important resource in the game and there ain't a whole lot of it, you don't have enough for an alarm door because your teammates shoots like a stormtrooper? Did they coincidentally also loot all the ammo bags for themselves and you didn't find any? Good luck surviving. It is already scarce if you go perfectly stealth so imagine all the other scenarios.

Because it doesn't matter if you hit every single headshot, if your teammates miss that will hurt the whole teams supply.
Geplaatst 8 december 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 23 december 2023.
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8 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
1.3 uur in totaal
Easily lost, monsters are easily avoidable, move speed is very slow, cheap jumpscares, puzzles are very ass where you need to look up guides.

The whole maze thing just turns down tension and gets boring because you just see the same texture around you all the time.
Geplaatst 22 september 2023.
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8.1 uur in totaal
A nice little snack for souls like games enjoyers.

(~7 hours gameplay doing all levels)
Geplaatst 22 september 2023.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
7.5 uur in totaal (0.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Plays like Osu taiko but you also gotta dodge sometimes.

The characters are pretty cute but you gotta unlock a lot of stuff.
Geplaatst 6 juli 2019.
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895 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
148 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
99.6 uur in totaal (88.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
A 10/10 With friends. A 3/10 With other people.

If this is too much text, read the last 5 paragraphs.

As stated above, it is really fun to play with your friends, because it's a teamwork game, friends won't let you down unlike the jackasses in the game and the communicating is also very important.

If you die in a campaign playing with public, you will have to wait around 10 or more minutes before the round is over either by everyone dies or they finish the map. Before you know it, 2 hours will have already passed and you still have not achieved anything in the day.

(Not to mention you also have to wait when you just joined a server and waiting for players to be done with the round) (So it goes like: you die(or join), wait 10 minutes, restart, repeat.)

So far I stated like there involves alot of waiting, that is because there is no time limit, so a guy can stay AFK in spawn and wait forever untill he times out or a zombie from all the way at the main area makes it way slowly to the spawn.

Whatever mode you are playing, weapons and ammunition will always spawn around you at the begin point and scattered throughout the map, not to mention, there is around 12 kinds of ammunition and it is pretty scarce. What every round goes is like the following: people rush and take all the stuff they can, even if they have the wrong ammunition and gun, they wont and will never share, (Some people don't even know how to drop it or use them!) Good luck there with your kitchen knife and a gun with no magazine. And guess what, to melee zombies you will need a VERY good momentum, and most people fail meleeing. Now if you get caught once, you will most likely get infected already, and you will need pills to cure your infection. What if you don't have pills? You ask for pills. I don't even have to answer if anybody is gonna give you pills because obviously no they won't(Pills are also very scarce). People would then die, turn into fast-agile like zombies which are really hard to deal with especially for newcomers and average players and most likely infect you and everybody that is near. Which results in a ruined round for everybody.

Besides, if you play campaign. You could pretty much rush to the end point WITHOUT KILLING any zombies.(By pushing zombies away, luring them to one point and run pass them) But people JUST want to kill them because "Pew, pew! it is fun to kill zombies!" and eventually die by them. So you never get something done unless you do all the objectives by yourself every single time.
F.Y.I: The zombies respawn and the rate is also quick. There is no point in trying to killing them all.

If you play Survival/Defending(Zombies come in waves and you have to protect the zones from being overrun) with other people. They won't be defending sh*t, instead they chill outside and solo the zombies like this is dead island and then die like a fool. (As everyone slowly dies, zone's get overrun, gameover by default. Restart. Repeat.)

And did you know? In survival/defending there is only this limited ammunition and weapons throughout the map. The only way to get more is to find a flare gun and HOPEFULLY finding flare gun ammo for the flare gun and fire it into the sky. Around 15 seconds later a helicopter will drop a huge ass supply crate and there will be tons of weapons including flare gun ammo. But that is only if you manage to both get the FLARE GUN and the FLAREGUN AMMO.

The gun and ammo doesn't spawn together, which means you gotta find em both. But it's almost impossible because players are spawned all over the map next to a item spawn point. So whatever items there are, people would have taken it and kept it for themselves.
F.Y.I: Nearly nobody knows that you can get a supply crate by firing flare gun into the sky.

You can't complete any campaign (Unless you are a skilled player and carry all their asses)
In Survival/defending (Which has a 0% of winning even if you carry them so damn hard, Because you can't defend two zones at a time.)

I've got a ton more critisism like people shooting a whole mag and missing them on one single zombie and still not kill them. I'd leave it at here.
F.Y.I: Bodyshots are so weak so you gotta go for the head. And the HITBOX on the head is pretty ♥♥♥♥.

Btw you are like a crooked old man with a stick if you run out of stamina. Making sprinting useless at times.

Now time for some positive things.

- The game is a little bit spooky, especially if everyone is dead and you are alone,

- Guns do look cool, but with the amount of ammo you get. There is not alot of action.

- There are zombie kiddos that can totally annihliate newbs. (It's just so entertaining to watch somebody getting raped by them)

- Secrets and a bit of puzzle, there are some secrets on some maps, have fun trying to discover them in your spectating ghost form


Playing on public servers:
It wastes a lot of time in your life, not worth it.
Objectives are confusing even for average players.
30% of the people are kids that doesn't know how to properly play this game.
50%+ ^ Are greedy people including kids that never shares and are socially awkward.
10% Are people adults that swears and do whatever the hell they want like being your boss.
5% Delays the game as long as they can by being a dumbo, scared hiding in some corner and look around. (There is no time limit at all..)
5% People are actually nice, which is rare. So if you ever meet one, I suggest to add them.

So gather your 3 or more friends on skype/teamspeak and what I just said about playing on public servers will all be null. Join an empty server with as less capacity as there is to prevent from more people joining and screw everything up = Profit.
(Everyone is happy)

Only worth with friends. Trust me. You'll be remembering this review if you just join a random server.
Geplaatst 7 november 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 4 december 2015.
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