Broken [♥]
asteriskbt   Los Angeles, California, United States
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: My heart
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: is always broken
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: waiting for you.
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: My love.
»WIN« Broken [♥]: LOL
»WIN« Broken [♥]: I just got off work
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: I curse this night, splendid jovial smiles from the luster of moon adorned.
»WIN« Broken [♥]: lul
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: Blessed is you, O' graceful, beautiful one.
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: For your ways are engraved in my heart.
»WIN« Broken [♥]: where is this coming from?
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: my ass
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: Cometh straight from me ass.
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: I luv you
»WIN« Crumble Berry Danish: sweet pea
»WIN« Broken [♥]: </3
»WIN« Broken [♥]: so you're basically giving me ♥♥♥♥
»WIN« Broken [♥]: since this just came from your ass
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Placebo ★ 5 Nov, 2016 @ 7:59am 
I remember you
Sundoll 15 May, 2014 @ 5:15pm 
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