Senator Ask Aak
Ben Pittard   Australia
The Unofficial Steam Account for everyone's favourite son of a Bulba Senator Ask Aak.

You really can ask Aak anything!

Ask Aak is a Gran Senator for the planet of Malastare. He was an active politician during the period of the Clone Wars and lived right through to the take over and transformation from Republic to Empire. Prior to the Clone Wars Aak played a critical role in the diffusal of a diplomatic crisis between Malastare and the Galactic Senate called 'The Secessionist Movement'. As a member of Chancellor Palpatine's inner-circle Aak was manipulated by the Dark Lord of the Sith into achieving his ultimate goal of ruling over the Galaxy.

Some even say that he had a fling or two with Senator Padamade of the Naboo during her brief time in power during the Clone Wars. Without the seductive plans of this spice-huffing senator it is unlikely that the Wars would have ended with Republic success. During his down time between establishing galactic trade routes and sending mercenaries to chase down rebel scum, Senator Ask Aak likes to sit in his ambassador suite near the Republic Senator and listen to some classic Jizz, catch up on the latest holovids or look up Nude Jee'dai Exposed on the space internet.

This excellent character was portrayed by both Steven Boyle and Paul Spence between both the second and third films of the series. Two actors in one character? It just screams importance if it is on the same calibre as Ben Kenobi and Emperor Palpatine as he is with two actors.
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Natos 19 Aug, 2017 @ 8:32pm