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Diposting: 25 Nov 2018 @ 10:56am

No matter how many toxic players exist in the community, this game is the most addicting sports game i have ever played. It is only and again only dependant on the skills of the player. Of course sometimes kick-offs get very unlucky but a good player can always compensate. I always have fun while playing this game. Better with friends. You get even more pleasure once you start rising in the ranked system.
-Supports mods and workshop items so this is a very big pro
-Very fun with friends
-Ranking system is pretty accurate, so you (mostly) encounter same skill leveled players
-A ranked match lasts around 5mins so it is quite time efficient if you are busy throughout the day.
-Unless you are the unluckiest player in the world skill is the determiner on who's winning the match.
-Casual game modes make it even better, you can just exit when you feel like it.
-Game gets updated often
-Nothing can give any advantage to any player other than their skills.
-Gets insanely enjoyable when you rise in the ranking system.
-Doesn't affect gameplay untill 100ms ping(if stable).

-Slightly cancerous community(mostly kids spamming What a Save! in chat)- you can disable chat so its okay.
-Sometimes opponents tend to demo you all the time which can be annoying.(it is a part of the game but still annoying)
-You will get addicted if you really like the game
-There will always be players who are better than you
-It requires immense amount of time to master game mechanics(this actually isn't a con but still)

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