egg gaming
United States
Soundtrack to my life:

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̣Smores 10 Feb, 2021 @ 11:08pm 
wtf nice profile bird dude slog dude
higgledy piggledy 28 Dec, 2020 @ 3:28pm 
Man, if you'd've told me back in 1997, that you'd've told me back in 1997, with Cloud, Link, and then Air, and then Stink, I would have been unbelievable.
Wii Fit Trainer 28 Jan, 2020 @ 9:52pm 
Any male born after 1893 can't work. All dey know is RIP XXXtenttacion, charge they juul, live in a society, be "pretend gay" with they homies, eat perc 30, and ignore incoming call from mom.
higgledy piggledy 7 Jan, 2020 @ 8:49pm 
i physically cannot stop myself from saying "bruh moment" whenever i react to anything. What was originally a rather humorous saying has evolved to now an impulsive, uncontrollable behavior that consumes me whenever i have to react to something. From "holy crap" and omg to "bruh" all that is said now is "bruh moment". "bruh moment" this "bruh moment". my family died. bruh moment. im having the time of my life. bruh moment. i just wanted to be cool and say something original. bruh moment. little did i know the horrors that came from bruh moment. im doomed. bruh moment. this phrase has gotten the best of me. its over for me. bruh moment. bruh sound effect. b r u h m o m e n t. bruh.
Fluufy 21 Sep, 2019 @ 10:17pm 
Once you've dated me, its mathematically impossible to do better than me in selecting another mate. After breakups, my ex's have endured the likes of terminal brain cancer (no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥), suicide by lethal injection, decades of psychotherapy, prison time or in other milder examples have become gay or settled for men who in some way or another reminded said ex of me. You will never do better than me.