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Yayınlanma: 4 Ağu 2023 @ 21:12
Güncellenme: 26 Ağu 2023 @ 10:44

Updated Review:

So let me start out by saying this is 100% not my typical game genre. I loved Neverwinter Nights (no, not the crap MMO one) and the actual Balder's Gate series. Those, yes turn based, were a little more on the side of aRPG and not cRPG. If you are into the fast paced "♥♥♥♥ the story, gimme ♥♥♥♥ to kill" with loot falling from the heavens, this isnt for you.... at all.... in the least. If you ever wanted to play the entire story of LotR word for word at realtime .. this is for you.

Some things I didn't enjoy:
1. The game is painfully slow. For the first 4 or 5 times. I went from 7-8 hours in Act 1 to maybe 20 min in Act 1 full complete.
2. The choices are not really choices. They are choices how the game wants to lead you. Yes you can 100% screw yourself, and the story .... and end the game at the end of Act 1 with the wizard (killing all 3 bosses.... and the entire world... roll credits), but, the game will do everything in its power to not really allow you to do that.
3. Items: if your not a melee, melee, or melee, you get nothing. The gear that is "good" for anyone else is super general, or, overly specific. Its a situation where you think "ah, yeah, thats not terrible" and then you find some other item and your like "this is terrible, but, man, this one thing... i dont use that one thing.. but if i did, i would be awesome!". Really directs you how to play that class that you have full freedom of choice... lol... nothing in this game is "your choice".
4. Why the ♥♥♥♥ is everyone trying to ♥♥♥♥ me!? The world is ending and all anyone can do is try and smash. Even the alien emperor is trying to smash. I think some slow progression in that regard would be much better than "oh hey, we are in the same party, so, ♥♥♥♥ bang?". Gets old real fast.
5. Its 5e. Yeah, i know ... 5e is more "the DM has the power to screw you because the story is more important then the players". It makes things slow and progress like molasses.
6. Stats don't matter, kinda. They dont really save you from the RNG of the rolling system. Yeah thats D&D sure, but, with 20 DEX and with tools, i should never fail a lock-pick skill check.... 5e.... again... 5e.
7. Clunky mouse and controls. Its just poor response and the camera has some really odd positions. Sometimes you click a door ... and endup blowing up your party on the trap 10 meters behind you.
8. Unless you know 5e and its class rolls specifically, you can screw your entire build by level 2. Sure, you make the choice, but, do you know that the choice you are making will have some serious issues in a few hours? Its not too bad, 100g respec. Whatever.
9. Game gets really boring to play and has no direction. There is a story. There is a journal. There are markings on your map. I get that. They are there if you happen to be in the same exact area as the quest you are on. Outside of that, nothing. Maybe group the quests by area so i know where to at least go to turn stuff in? Maybe im a SBS (Space Bar Spammer) and need to read more, but, ♥♥♥♥ it, this is how i play! My character my choice!
10 (last one, there are more, but, last one here) The games performance is total trash. FPS = frames per second and this game it rolls a dice for time check. Sometimes, I get 1 frame per 2 to 4 seconds. It gets really really bad.

What I did like:
1. Eats your time. You can ♥♥♥♥ off in this game for days!
2. Killing people without knowing the story.. yup... ♥♥♥♥ um
3. Getting my party to fall in love with me .. then murdering all the children i see in front of them.
4. MODS! Mods make this game 100x better. Right now im playing with the "party extender" so I can have everyone in party. The dialog between party members and such are great! There are tons of mods that "fix" a lot of the limitations set by default (ie: setting the initiative rolls on a 4D and not a 20D ... things like that). You can make the game as hard or easy .. or whatever ... you wish. Great addition (they have been around for a few years).

Again, this game isnt for me. I would wager to bet its not for about 75% of the people that got it thinking it was an aRPG. Its fine, day 1 sales dont dictate if the game has staying power. My bet (and we will see how this ages) 6 months from now this game will drop 80-90% of its entire player base. The game gets old rather quick. 5 full runs of the game and all 5 were exactly the same. Sure the relationships changed based on my choices, but, in all 5 endings, its the same outcome.

Game should have been called "Balder's Misdirection". The game is Balder's Gate in name only. Yup, they have the IP, but, I can assure you from many years of the series... this is not Baler's Gate anymore than Neverwinter is Neverwinter Nights.

Total score (honestly): 4/10
Keeps me playing (lol, "playing") but really offers me nothing more then a time sink. Replace the lore and giving aliens BJs with murder and loot... got yourself a winner. Remember, the game itself is like 4 years old and a copy/paste of the previous title they have. Watching some side-by-side video of the other titles .... its really kinda sad that everyone thinks this is some "new" game and totally "refreshing". Its the same thing they have always put out .... just shows how little everyone knows about the studio honestly.
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1 Yorum
AngryToilet 8 Eki 2023 @ 21:32 
Little additional info/edit
2 months after release of the "Game of the Decade" they have lost 54% of the player-base that cheered like a bunch of green haired saviors with full paid praised reviews.