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1 person found this review helpful
745.8 hrs on record (91.2 hrs at review time)
its good
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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9 people found this review helpful
64.4 hrs on record (63.6 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Suddenly goes free to play - Valve shafted all the loyal fans.
Posted 8 December, 2018.
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9.8 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
Think with portals.
Or die trying.
Posted 23 November, 2018. Last edited 23 November, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
as a game; it's lacking. there is no game...
but comes with over 2400 achievements litteraly for each second palying.
so in 45 minutes of walking around... waiting on the menue screen or just afk-ness you can get 100%

Says Horror... but monster never showed up.
Posted 19 February, 2018.
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19 people found this review helpful
1,087.7 hrs on record (510.4 hrs at review time)
Game is amazing! Plenty to do and explore! Unlimited modding ability!
But it's a poor Fallout game. Story is predictable and weak.

**But the negitive review is because the Creation Club.
2Gigs for paid mods. nice

Paid, unavoidable, Mods. Shoved down your throat.

Greed. Greed never changes.
Posted 21 September, 2017. Last edited 21 September, 2017.
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11 people found this review helpful
579.6 hrs on record (571.9 hrs at review time)
Firefall once was an amazing MMO.
Then the studio got bought out, everyone fired and game became broken and abandoned...
Then notice of Firefall shutting down the DAY BEFORE it closes.
Good bye Copa,
Never forget you Areo
Sleep Tight Oilspill.
- Cupcake 3-5, out.
Posted 8 July, 2017. Last edited 8 July, 2017.
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5.7 hrs on record
Posted 2 July, 2017.
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7.6 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
I play this game with my brother-in-law when he comes over.
He kicks my ass. Brutaly.
I hate this game now.

Can't even play the game solo.
I hate fighting games.

I'm just someone who is terrible at fighting games. So I can't reccoment games I don't enjoy playing.

Not saying this is a bad game.
Posted 22 January, 2017. Last edited 22 January, 2017.
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26 people found this review helpful
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37.4 hrs on record
"Dead Island Definitive Waste Of Resources Edition" is not a terrible addition to the franchise.
DIDE is the exact same game as the original.
Like, the exact same.

Same graphics*1, same boring gameplay, same bugs, new bugs, and same ol' time waster.
(*1 Slightly better textures, and slightly enhanced lighting, But not worth buying again.)

I got just as bored as playing the first game. Only managed to replay with a "♥♥♥-it" mentality. Editing files to give myself unlimited storage, instant kills, and higher weapon conditions

+ Positives:
+ Easy to mod your game to up the FOV from 62, can give yourself Godmode or unlimited carry weight so you can faf around.
+ Faster loading. Damn near instant.
+ UI has some improvements, but still has some bugs. -Still very console focused feeling
+ thats about it,

- Cons and Nit Picks
- It's literally the same boring original disappointment of a game.
- Infinite bugs and glitches
- Gore is awful; It reflects silver... Silver. Gore.
- Mods removed. Blueprints hunting removed,
- Scary dark ambient atmospheres, are now brightly light not scary atmospheres
- same repetitive missions, sometimes feels like you're replaying the same missions.
- Can't kick beach ball...
- Easier? (Subjective, may not be accurate)
- Movement controls STILL feels awkward
- Still very console focused UI / Movement / Combat
- Shooting just feels weird, Auto-aim/lock-on and ammo just scarce and not worth making (my opinion but maybe I'm just a skid.)
- Weapons STILL break after three hits... This is really annoying.
- Zombies scale with you getting stronger. Weapons do not. Leveling is annoying and feels pointless.
- Bullet spongy zombie brains. Can take a few headshots to kill them... what. why? Maybe I'm aiming for heads, and shooting chests.

I hoped this would be a more RPG focused, Survival overhauled, Noticeably enhanced graphics, gameplay tweaked for PC, truly definitive edition.
But then i noticed it's modern gaming so it's the same 'last years' game with sweetFX.
and a $20 price tag.

Game is so bad, the devs dont even want to touch it anymore. Launched a buggy hot turd of a mess.
Remains a buggy hot turd.
Posted 22 January, 2017.
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11 people found this review helpful
5.6 hrs on record
Very short little game, but quite nice.
I like the art direction, and the overall ambience of this game. Love the creepy horror theme park atmosphere.
Has some good creepy imagry, and definatly spook you a few times.
Just wish this game was longer. Still fun to play and explore.
Very easy 100% achievements.
Posted 26 November, 2016.
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