The Real Spartacus   Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
The native Australian-bred Justine (Guitaris Asianis) is occasionally found grazing in the fluffy clouds of the Melbourne sky. Her favourite past times are spinning around in circles trying to catch her tail and exploring the Infinite Abyss.

When she's not doing either of those, she plays the electric triangle in her band, Echo's Witness. You can listen to them at http://www.myspace.com/echoswitness . She realises that this is shameless promotion for her band, but hardly anyone reads these profiles anyway.
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TashoSmasho 29 feb 2012 om 3:06 
Justin is the man! ... /woman?
✿ c h r i s s i 17 jan 2012 om 23:34 
D: get online justina
Russell 17 dec 2010 om 18:37 
I <3 Eco Sweetness!
deNs 22 jul 2009 om 8:45 
how u doin
StoneColdJaneAusten 22 jul 2009 om 6:42 
Looks like a gothic nicole kidman amirite
Rublore 15 apr 2009 om 22:30 
Steve Holt!