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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 507.1 год. загалом (501.6 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 17 жовт. 2021 о 12:57

Not pay to win
Before I start my review, I want to dispell this notion. Anyone who tells you this game is pay to win is wrong, or lying to you. Most of the good weapons are mastery rank locked and even if you buy things to bypass the grind, you still have to level those Warframes and weapons, you still have to play the game to grind and get mods for your weapons and Warframes to make them actually perform well in end-game content. You're blindsiding yourself if you're going to make the argument that this game is pay to win. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, let's get to the actual review.

I had to start off by reviewing the graphical quality of this game, because it's so beautiful. Everything is well polished and good-looking, the appearance of Warframe will not hesitate to immerse you into the environment. On top of that, graphically the game is extremely well optimized compared to other games, and can run on many older computers without an issue. There is no section of the game that is forgotten about in regards to visuals. Clearly, a lot of love has been put into this game and you can tell that immediately just by looking at how beautiful and immersive the game is.

Warframe's content and gameplay are some of the best for any free-to-play game out there. Everything in Warframe is available without paying if you are willing to grind for it. One of the best freemium models out there, seriously. You can earn Platinum, the premium currency, in-game without ever spending a cent on it. As for the Warframes themselves, each one is unique, and there are over 35 of them. 35! That's a lot of different characters to choose from. Each of them has 4 unique abilities that do different things, and you can typically mod a Warframe 3 different ways or more to focus on a specific part of their ability kit. That is a fantastic amount of customization and one of the things I love most about the game. I will say that the star chart content can get a bit repetitive at times, but if you stick it out, fill out your star chart, and get into high level content, it'll feel less repetitive in due time. At higher levels the combat gets much more complex. Try staying for at least an hour in a survival mission if you decide to play, and you'll see what I mean.

I had to talk about the cosmetics in Warframe because let's face it- fashion, looking good and uniqueness are important aspects of any videogame. Warframe has a ton of cosmetics, and they're all extremely beautiful and wonderful. Once you get through all the star chart content, you may find yourself grinding for Platinum to purchase a new set of clothes- or outright buying it with real money, I won't judge you for it. In fact, some of the best cosmetics in the game can only be purchased with real money- the TennoGen cosmetics are handsomely crafted with love by individual creators, and your money goes back to those creators, supporting them and allowing them to make more wonderful content for the game.

I'll flesh out my review by saying this. If you don't like grinding or MMO-type games, Warframe probably isn't for you. I would still give it a go even if you don't like those types of games, but you're probably not going to enjoy it if you aren't a patient person. Grinding is the name of the game in Warframe, and RNG affects many activities in the game. If you don't like the fact that you aren't guaranteed certain things and have to wait for warframes and weapons to finish building before you can use them, or that you have to farm resources to build them, then you probably won't enjoy the game. Still, if you invest your time into the grind, you can acquire nearly anything you want for no cost at all.

One great thing about Warframe is that they are constantly updating the game and delivering new content to us. Year round, we get new Warframes, quests, and content, albeit they can be buggy at the start. We received Sanctuary Onslaught, a new gamemode, and The Sacrifice, a new quest, earlier this year, and we're getting Fortuna, an open-world area on Venus later this year. That's a lot of content for one year! While it's not always the best and most optimized content, I see more love poured into Warframe content than that of any other game at the current time. The devs maintain a strong relationship with the community and actively ask questions to the players about what they want to see and what they want changed, and do frequent livestreams for fun and for discussing where they are in terms of development with the game. Their strong community commitment is one of the great things that many people love about Warframe- DE's transparency and willingness to maintain a strong bond with us is something that not many other game companies can brag about.

So, if you read my entire thing and some of my points sparked your interest, I would definitely reccommend giving the game a go. I have loved every second I've played of Warframe and I can honestly say it's one of the only games whose future updates I'm currently excited for. There are no downsides to trying the game out- after all, it's free to play and if you don't like the grind then you can stop at any time and uninstall the game. There's no paywalls or money barriers to any of the content in the game. It takes time to grind for resources and build things, but if you can develop patience, that grinding pays off, and the game will only get deeper and more complex as a result.
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