:)   Estonia
for glory and for spite
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women fear me fish fear me
men turn their eyes away from me as i walk no beast dare make a sound in my presence i am alone on this barren earth
Favorite Guide
Created by - neb
Step 1. Gameplay first of all its about a hero of cyrodil who stops the oblivion gates, saves the empire. You start off in a cell as a prisoner the secret passege way out to cyrodil is in the passege. When the empire and the guards find ou in the cell they
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blank fairy 27 Mar, 2020 @ 9:59pm 
Hey bud, it's been a while. How are things?
I'm sure you already know, but I ran into your wife on a business trip to Austin a few weeks ago; I believe she said she was going to some healthcare convention. Anyways, she told me all about the family, and how Jacob's getting married soon, that's crazy! It seems like just yesterday he was running around with Steven in the back yard. Speaking of Steven, he joined the military and is going overseas in a couple months.
We should visit soon, it'd be nice to get the families together again, especialy before Steven gets shipped out.
I hope you're doing well, and I know it's your birthday, so I just wanted to wish you a good one! We sure are getting old, aren't we! Haha!

Take care, and tell the family I said hello!
blank fairy 14 Jul, 2019 @ 11:22am 
Apparently I "ruined" Thanksgiving dinner by bringing my girlfriend Asuka. My mum didn't care that she was a giat robot pilot, tasked with protecting the world after the Second Impact. She insisted that Asuka isn't real and now we're banned from the local country club. Anyways, my mum says if I don't bring a "real" girl to our Christmas dinner I'm going to get kicked out of the house!!! Asuka sets the bar pretty high but if you think you can compete with her please message me
blank fairy 26 Apr, 2019 @ 5:52pm 
hewwo (・`ω´・) sowwy fow scawe, but just nyotice pwofiwe on the Steam Communyity. you knyow how hawd it awe to find giwws who pway video game nyowadays??? weww, Im gwad I stumbwe apon this wittwe pwof cause I gotta say.... uw pwety cute (・`ω´・) ^ ((sowwy fow scawe, nyo twoubwe ) weww... I was wondewing if u wanted to pway tf2 with me (Im a pwat snyipew, so I can cawwy my wittwe pwinces if nyeed. =-}) CUZ I weawwy want someonye to pub wit me.. hey hey, maybe even I couwd get you unyusuaw as wittwe gift. you wike Buwing? Me too, me too. (nyo scawe. nyo scawe, I iust wike meating eye to eye.) if we skype, I think we couwd have some good buddy commucation. :)) ( i can even tuwn down my dubstep music in the backgwound if you want...) add me if you want pwease, I jsit nyeed fwiend maybe even giwwfwiend, to pway video with.m I can be the pewfect guy fow you, twust (・`ω´・) iww buy whatevew, do whatevew, okay?? jsit pick up that phonye and CAWW. :)
skip 18 Feb, 2019 @ 10:09am 
(◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉) (◉͜ʖ◉)
teddy 3 Feb, 2019 @ 7:02pm 
blank fairy 24 Dec, 2018 @ 6:39am 
*knocks on door*

come in
hey sammie

i got a tattoo

what was that

i got a tattoo, on my face


its a dragon

why dont you come over here so we can have a normal conversation
what is that?

i got a tattoo

you got a tattoo!?

its a dragon

come here
what is that?

come in

i got a tattoo

why dont you a bit closer
is that a real tattoo?

i got a dragon tattoo

sammie come here

i got a tattoo robert!

Then come here big boy and let me see it!

its a tattoo of a dragon

is that a real tattoo?


thats not a real tattoo

ya it is

no its not

its a real tattoo

sammie the ink is running onto my finger
you're a liar
thats a fake tattoo
you're a fake
you're a fake
you're a fake
you're a fake
you're a big ol fake
yous a big ol fake is what you are
get out of here, you fake
you fake tattoo man, go
ya go away, get the heck of my house
ya get out of here