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Publicada: 4 jul. 2011 às 17:22
Atualizada: 5 ago. 2020 às 21:49

Half-Life 2 is one of the greatest single-player games and stories ever told, and surpassed many games in the same genre for well more than a decade! 🏆

+ The STORY. One of the best, most immersive stories that builds from the beginning to its climax. It’s so damn good! You also don’t need to have played Half-Life to enjoy the game, even though you’ll catch some of the subtle references if you have played it.

+ The GAME DESIGN. For its time, it was groundbreaking. Even now, the gameplay is super enjoyable, unique, and provides a ton of fun ways to play and interact with the world.

+ The WORLD. Unbelievable! EVERY detail is meticulously placed and helps build the world into a perfect, Orwellian setting for the game.

+ The CHARACTERS. The supporting cast each do their part to weave and tell the deep story of the world. You’ll come to love and hate them as each becomes a part of your journey.

+ The ENGINE. The game is rooted in a physics engine that raised the bar tenfold for its time. Even though it is getting old, it is still fun to fling things around, chop zombies in half with saw blades, and traverse the world.

+ Basically EVERYTHING! The game is basically a work of art, and WELL worth your time (and the super low cost) to play.

~ Some of the physics puzzles are dated. While they showed off the revolutionary physics of the time, the few sections where you are forced to slow down and solve a physics challenge can feel old if you’ve played them before.

~ The art starts to feel old. The game came out in 2004, and while MOST of it stands up WONDERFULLY, some of the character close-ups can feel a bit off.

- There is really nothing that should stop you from playing the game. Get to it!

As one of the greatest games of all time, there is no reason to NOT play this game. With around 10 hours of play if you’re running through it and enjoying the journey, it’s 100% worth the few bucks it costs to pick it up during a Steam sale.

OVERALL: 10/10
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