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Alden Kroll   Seattle, Washington, United States
Product Designer. UI Designer. Biz dev. Marketing. Developer Outreach. Whatever else. At Valve, working mostly on Steam.
(Note: I will never contact you on Discord for customer support. Don't ever share your personal information with anyone on social media claiming to be from Valve)

Work - Steam Store
Work - Steam Greenlight
Work - Steam Workshop
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Beware of scams
Valve employees (including myself) are not on Discord or any other social media asking you for personal information. You can't get banned from someone claiming to have mistakenly reported you. Only share your information with Steam customer support through the official website
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Patrick Jr. 31 DIC 2022 a las 4:19 p. m. 
Happy New Year! Hope 2023 is much better!
D3voto 15 MAY 2015 a las 4:51 p. m. 
When you choose joy you feel good & when you feel good, you do good & when yo do good it reminds other of what joy feels like & it just :pinkheart: might inspire them to do the same.
MarieDaiquiri 25 DIC 2014 a las 3:38 p. m. 
:steamflake: Merry Christmas! Love & Best wishes x X x :steamflake:
Jimo 24 DIC 2014 a las 6:46 p. m. 
Happy Holidays Alden!
Avi the Raccoon Enjoyer 16 AGO 2014 a las 3:38 p. m. 
:dsham: 4 life
Nuator 14 JUL 2014 a las 5:18 p. m. 