Average gamer. Even more average screenshots taker.
Currently In-Game
Assassin's Creed Origins
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Screenshot Showcase
Such a sweetheart girls they are
1 3
List of 100% games:
1. :trophy: Alan Wake’s American Nightmare
2. :DarkKnight: Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
3. :tyger: Batman: Arkham City GOTY
4. :deathstroke: Batman™: Arkham Origins
5. :frozenfield: Bioshock Remastered
6. :trophy: Bioshock 2
7. :trophy: Borderlands
8. :claptrap: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
9. :trophy: Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition
10. :TheBureauAlien: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
11. :gunslinger: Call of Juarez Gunslinger
12. :Darling: Control Ultimate Edition
13. :Killconfirmed: Crysis Remastered
14. :C2_Nanosuit: Crysis 2 Remastered
15. :Nanosuit_Ninja: Crysis 3 Remastered
16. :evelyn2077: Cyberpunk 2077
17. :trophy: Dark Souls™ II: Scholar of the First Sin
18. :trophy: The Darkness II
19. :trophy: Darksiders
20. :trophy: Dead Effect
21. :diaxe: Dead Island
22. :palmtree: Dead Island Riptide
23. :boomboomboom: Deux Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut
24. :trophy: Devolverland Expo
25. :trophy: DIRT 3 Complete Edition
26. :trophy: DIRT Showdown
27. :trophy: Dishonored RHCP
28. :cozyfallout4: Fallout Shelter
29. :trophy: Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist
30. :trophy: The Entropy Centre
31. :trophy: Grow Home
32. :trophy: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
33. :trophy: Gun Monkeys
34. :trophy: Half-Life 2
35. :trophy: Half-Life 2: Episode One
36. :trophy: Half-Life 2: Episode Two
37. :valravn: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
38. :Original_Assassin: Hitman: Absolution
39. :trophy: Hitman GO: Definitive Edition
40. :Owl: Hotline Miami
41. :Alberts: Killing Floor 2
42. :health: Left 4 Dead 2
43. :trophy: LEGO The Lord of the Rings™
44. :lineawline: Linea, the Game
45. :trophy: Mafia: Definitive Edition
46. :trophy: Mafia II (Classic)
47. :mesprint: Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst
48. :trophy: MURDERED: Souls Suspect™
49. :trophy: Orwell
50. :overkill: PAYDAY: The Heist
51. :P: PAYDAY 2
52. :trophy: The Pedestrian
53. :trophy: Portal
54. :trophy: Portal 2
55. :trophy: Portal: Revolution
56. :trophy: Portal Stories: Mel
57. :trophy: Portal with RTX
58. :trophy: RAGE
59. :orangecube: Remember Me
60. :trophy: Rocket League
61. :starstruck: The Room
62. :trophy: The Room 2
63. :angrytiger: Saints Row: The Third
64. :sr4sunglasses: Saints Row IV
65. :GATuriel: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
66. :germanhelmet: Sniper Elite V2
67. :trophy: Spec Ops: The Line
68. :OptionC: Strider
69. :mindblown: SUPERHOT
71. :taloslol: The Talos Principle
72. :Steady_Aim: Tomb Raider
73. :pontius: Trine
74. :trophy: The Turing Test
75. :trophy: Type: Rider
76. :trophy: Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage
77. :trophy: Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
78. :trophy: Zup!
79. :trophy: Zup! 2
80. :trophy: Zup! 3
81. :trophy: Zup! 4
82. :trophy: Zup! Zero
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117 hrs on record
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251 hrs on record
last played on 1 Mar
1 hrs on record
last played on 1 Mar
eZ. 23 Jun, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
eZ. 23 Jun, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
was maacts du bruder
Ghostbear 23 Nov, 2021 @ 9:23am 
Pleasure to play with on Bulletstorm
Depression 18 Sep, 2020 @ 2:39pm 
bow over to pleasure the soap lord :B1: