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Đánh giá gần đây bởi AirMike

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Hiển thị 21-30 trong 73 mục
4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
8.2 giờ được ghi nhận (1.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
An incredibly well made RTS grounded within the confines of the Colonial Frontier in the Alien universe.
I have nothing negative to say so far, but will update the review once I gather more hours.
Đăng ngày 23 Tháng 06, 2023.
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89.0 giờ được ghi nhận (29.0 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The devs seem to have gotten their $hit together now, and the future looks somewhat bright.
After the atrocious British update, they're on their way to fix and rework a lot of the BS. Thy opened up PTE to make sure whatever content hits the main game is solid.

As per the actual game, HLL is neither a milsim like Squad nor is it an arcade shooter like COD/Battlefield. It's something in between.

It's a large scale war between two sides (usually Axis vs Allies), where Squads of soldiers must coordinate with each other and the commander to fight for control of the map.

A Squad in HLL consists of 6 soldiers, one of which is the Officer. The officer has the ability to communicate with Officers from other squads, and the commander.
The infantry in within the squad all have different roles which require and entire paragraph to go over, so I won't.
Recon is an infantry squad of 2, a Sniper and a Spotter (the officer of the recon squad). The main objective of Recon is to get behind enemy lines and harass. Destroy vital structures, and make sure the artillery stays silent.
Armor squads consist of 3 players, 2 crewmen and 1 armor officer. There are different types of tanks each with their strengths and weaknesses.

If you run around aimlessly try to get kills in HLL, you will die and fail your team.
If you stay in one place the entire game, you will not achieve anything and fail your team.

This game requires communication and strategy to play successfully. K/D does not matter at all.

If you're new to the game. ASK. FOR. HELP. Any self respecting player will teach you how to play.
If you don't have a microphone. don't play Officer or Commander. Communication is a major part of those roles, and failing to relay info will render you useless.

You need to be ready to listen, learn, and follow. Otherwise, you will hate the game, and your team will hate you.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 05, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 10 Tháng 09, 2023.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
0.3 giờ được ghi nhận
Stutters pretty hard and I had to restart the oculus software multiple times for the image not to glitch.
Đăng ngày 1 Tháng 04, 2023.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
2.0 giờ được ghi nhận (1.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
The only reason why I didn't kill my teammate was because my mag was empty.
Đăng ngày 31 Tháng 03, 2023.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
3.0 giờ được ghi nhận
The game's concept is actually really cool. But it's still very rough around the edges, and needs a lot of polishing.
The current state of multiplayer is that you have 50/50 chance of being with a team of complete newbies who don't understand the objective, or in a team of players with whom you'll definitely win.
Đăng ngày 23 Tháng 03, 2023.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
12.5 giờ được ghi nhận
The magic wears off incredibly quickly. The world is beautifully crafted, but that's pretty much it. Shallow gameplay, repetitive side quests, and a lot of questionable game design choices.
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 03, 2023.
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12.1 giờ được ghi nhận (9.0 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Disgustingly good for an EA game.
Đăng ngày 25 Tháng 02, 2023.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
8.7 giờ được ghi nhận (6.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Explosion is a mandatory obstacle for succeeding.
Đăng ngày 25 Tháng 01, 2023.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
17.8 giờ được ghi nhận
Honestly, this game is good. However, it is still heavily flawed in certain places. This game took inspiration from From Software games, and it is apparent. But, it didn't really do an amazing job. There were many instances where I would get stunlocked by enemies and the healing wouldnt always work since some animations canceled it. There is a variety of enemies (heavy reliance on Spider enemies for some reason) and they tend to have different approaches for them. For one type you might need to exclusively dodge, while for another you need to parry. It does get very confusing and frustrating when you simply cannot remember how to fight with one type of enemy, especially confusing and frustrating when t
hey mix enemy types. Some of the puzzles had very annoying timing requirements.

One thing I really had to commend this game for is how they tackled difficulty. I hate how developers treat the difficulty modes in other games, they just make enemies bullet sponges while the player's health is decreased the higher the difficulty is set (looking at you God of War). The way difficulty alters the gameplay is by changing the parrying time frame of the player, so it requires better attention and reflexes. The enemies still have the same health and attack patterns.

Overall, I would honestly give this game a 7/10. But in reality it would probably stand at 6/10 if it wasn't the only decent Star Wars game EA had put out.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 01, 2023.
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11.3 giờ được ghi nhận
Dying Light 2 is incredibly frustrating to play.

There are two aspects of the game that form it's gameplay: Parkour and Combat. Both of them are incredibly clunky and annoying to deal with.

The devs decided to implement the enemy level system that plagues most modern rpgs. This means that even a basic biter can be more powerful than the player. There are special enemies which are quite annoying to deal with. RNG usually makes your experience 10 times more frustrating; such as, placing a bunch of biters and special infected on a hatch in the beginning of the game which you need to unlock to progress the mission.

There is heavy reliance on challenges to progress the character which by itself is honestly a very annoying way of progression.

Parkour is incredibly clunky, sometimes it just doesn't work. You can slide off a wire just because the game decided so and fall off. Initial parkour moves are incredibly basic; on one hand, this is fine, because it makes the player feel like their character is getting better and unlocking new moves. On the other hand, we go back to the issue with challenges.

There are far too many challenge types, bounties, etc in this game. It comes to the point where the player feels overwhelmed and decides to skip them.

I paid 15$ for this game, and I still feel like I paid too much. Go play the first Dying Light, it's a far superior game.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 12, 2022. Sửa lần cuối vào 17 Tháng 02, 2023.
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Một nhà phát triển đã phản hồi vào ngày 6 Thg12, 2023 @ 7:09am (hiển thị phản hồi)
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Hiển thị 21-30 trong 73 mục