
Darkest Frontier tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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kayıtlarda 301.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 134.5 saat)
One of the better free to play shooters. Yes, it has some flaws, but on the whole, I found it enjoyable. I enjoy the PVE modes when I just want to kick back and relax. I also really like the different PVP modes available. They seem to be constantly updating and adding new things. Give it a try.
Yayınlanma 30 Kasım 2017.
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kayıtlarda 10.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 9.5 saat)
While no means perfect, Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak is an amazing game.

Having been a player of the Homeworld series since it first came out in 1999, Deserts of Kharak fills the Homeworld universe with more large scale battles set against epic vista's.

The game has enough variety in the terrain for me that it doesn't get boring or repetitive. Vehicles are well detailed and it has different types to keep things interesting.

I do have several things I disliked. The campaign I feel could have been a bit longer. While I am satisfied with what we got, I feel that a few more missions would have helped. I do feel the mission variety did help a bit though.

Several other users have made comments of the low textures. I feel I must partialy agree. While zoomed out and moving around the map it really isnt that noticeable, when zoomed in, it does become apparent.

All in all, I was happy with the game and the way it turned out. Hopefully BBI will improve upon this and work with Gearbox to create new space-based Homeworld games that we all have been dreaming for.
Yayınlanma 25 Ocak 2016. Son düzenlenme 25 Ocak 2016.
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kayıtlarda 5.0 saat
So I just finised this game today and after playing, decided to write a review.

A modern military 3rd person shooter, putting the player in the middle of unspeakable situations.

Yes, I can agree with that.

My take on the game is this: Its a modern version of Apocalypse Now. I see so many things in common with that film. The background is that the large city of Dubai was destroyed by a sandstorm and then a large amount of troops were sent in to rescue them. Nobody escapes and all contact with the city has been lost. It has been left to rot.

Enter a 3 man elite Delta Force squad searching for answers. Once entering the city and being attacked, they decide to find the rouge Colonel (ala Apocalypse Now) and find out what exactly happend.

Not going to ruin the game by what entails, but it is sick and horrifying. Choices are presented to you, but it feels like it makes little difference because the choices are so horrible.

The game is short. I tend to play my games on easier difficutly and I completed the game in about 5 hours.

A good selection of weapons. You can only carry 2 weapons at a time, and some ammo is scarce for certain weapons, so I found that I swapped weapons quite a bit.

Pretty straightforward game. No puzzles or backtracking. Kill the guys, move into the next area, cutscene, repeat. I did enjoy some parts that allow you to cover your other 2 guys when you get separated or shooting the minigun on the helicopter. No vehicles for you to drive, this game is all on foot. You are able to issue some limited commands to your members as well.

The AI for the squad members, I must admit is great. Instead of some games that AI units just follow you around and take some cover, firing every now and then at an enemy. In this game, my AI squad took cover, and KILLED units. They covered me when I moved. They moved ahead of me on the map and engaged and killed units.

The audio is ok. I actually got a little tired of some of the phrases they shout. I wish they couldve included a few different lines because every firefight I got into, it always sounded the same. But whats there is good and sets the mood. Music is ok, nothing really major to speak about. Gun sounds are decent as well.

Graphics are pretty decent as well. The unreal engine 3 is starting to show its age a little, and even though I had the graphics at max, some textures were blurry, but still decent. Large landscapes and sprawling desolate city was nice. I really enjoyed the sandstorms. Every once in a while during the game, a sandstorm would come through. Wind, low visibility and all was pretty decent and felt intense when one hit in the middle of a gun fight.

I think my biggest gripe with this game is the controls. For me being almost strictly a PC gamer and have played other 3rd person shooters, the controls felt a little wonky. You hit space to run, and once you start running, do not have to hold down space. You also use space to take cover behind anything you can, be it a wall, destroyed vehicle or side of a building. The control key is used to duck/croutch. However, since the spacebar is used to take cover behind something, I felt this wasnt needed at all in game since when your being shot at, will use the spacebar to take cover, not croutch behind something. I kept mixing them in game and died a few times because of it.

So over all, I give the game a 7.5/10. A good, if some what short game that will make you think about the morality of being a soldier.
Yayınlanma 2 Temmuz 2014.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 9.1 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 3.5 saat)
So I bought this game on sale a couple weeks ago and read lots of mixed reviews all over the place. I decided to pick it up not only because I am racing fan in general but also because I love Ferrari.

So here is my take on the game.

The graphics in my opinion are staggering. The amount of detail put into the cars themselves in this game are beyond anything Ive seen in most racing games. Not only has every level of intricate detail been placed outside the car, but the interior is where it shines as well. Having sat in several Ferraris, its amazing to see every dial and vent modeled in 3D with shadows and texture. Reflections and detail ripple off the cars. The racing circuits themselves are just as good. Possibly due to my hardware, but I have not seen any graphics problems or anomalies whilst racing.

From the cars Ive ran so far with, the sound is on par. Each engine has a different subtle tone between cars that helps with the realism.

The actual controls of the game, at first, seem something to be desired. I picked up an Xbox 360 controller before I bought this game, and I planned on using that from the get go. That being said, I ask you this question: How many high performance (300+ HP) cars have you driven lately? If you can imagine the amount of power these Ferraris generate, you will soon learn that the actual physics of the cars are actually quite good. While not perfect in any real sense, after several laps I was able to properly handle the car and start pushing lap times.

The AI is ok. Ive raced better. But it works and still makes for an enjoyable race.

Thier is no car customization other than paint colors. Ferrari wanted you to race the car how they designed it. Fine with me.

And to finish my review off, yes this does use GFWL, which may in the future be removed, however, it didnt ruin the game for me nor take away the beauty of the Italian made sports cars.

Recommended for people who enjoy racing or Ferraris in general. B+ rating.
Yayınlanma 15 Aralık 2013. Son düzenlenme 22 Aralık 2013.
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kayıtlarda 1,209.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 232.4 saat)
As soon as this game is made available to everyone and not to select invites..DOWNLOAD.
Yayınlanma 20 Temmuz 2012.
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kayıtlarda 11.9 saat
Its just fun. Plain and simple kill em' all fun. Download today. Now!
Yayınlanma 4 Haziran 2012.
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