â... Wasted
Afonso   Salvaterra De Magos, Santarem, Portugal
Black Ops
Kino der Toten 150
Five 101
Ascension 170
Call of the Dead 60
Shangri-la 101
Moon 112
Natch -_-
Verruckt 36(I´m Pro)
Shi no Numa 100
Der Riese 86

Black Ops 2
Tranzit 86
Die Rise 113(Pre-Patch) 100 (Post Patch)
Mob of the Dead 148
Buried 104
Origins 111

Black Ops 3
Shadows of Evil 109
The Giant 152
Der Eisendrache 116
Zetsubou No Shima 150
Gorod Krovi 150
Revelations 196
Currently Offline