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Yayınlanma: 9 Haz 2014 @ 16:32

Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is amazing. I have been waiting for it to come out for a while now, and I have played all of Sakevisual's other games, The artwork is far superior to most EVNs that you see coming out. It has an animated opening and closing. You play as a female, freshman college student named Sian, who has been trained in movie makeup. Sian's friend Adam is an up an dcoming singer, who Sian does the makeup for, and John is his producer. You have to keeps your grades up to keep your scholarship (this hit home since I am in college on scholarships), you have to work to get money to buy things, and there are stats to raise to get your guy. There are 4 guys, Adam, John, Benito, and Matthew, and each has a friendship and a romance route. There are other secret character routes, but I have not discovered them all yet. Each main guy has about 14 cgs, and then there is a section for other cgs. Did I mention that the cgs are gorgeous, Tooya did an amzing job. There are a total of 15 endings (8 total from the main guys, 1 alone ending, and 6 others that I have not discovered). The storyline is well written, and it is fun to see Sian be sarcastic. I did not run across any bugs while playing, and I did not notcie any incorrect grammar. It is a stat riaisng sim, which I do not particularly enjoy, but there is enough scenes in between so that the game does not become monotonous. Each week you pick what you are going to do during that week, and sometimes depending on the date, stat level, etc. scenes will unlock during the week. Then on the wekend you can hang out with a friend, sleep, use items, bake cupcakes,go to the arcade, go to a restuarant, or go shopping. Different places unlock depending on events you unlock during the game.This game is one of the better EVNs that I have played, it is on the same level as Dandelion, Nameless, and Starry Sky in Sring. I can't wait till the game is completely finished, and I can't wait to see Sakevisual's next game.
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