
Abhi の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:3.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.0時間)
Good multiplayer game but quite a grind for good quality planes.
投稿日 2022年11月28日.
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This may or may not be the crown jewel of the genre defining Devil May Cry series that has captivated so many fans across the globe and across multiple platforms, but this has something quite different deep down the core of its heart. I consider this for two reasons.

Firstly this is the title that declares angelic ancestry of Dante's maternal background while his paternal one remains the traditional demonic ancestry. I think this brings a beautiful balance storywise and open more routes in the current plot and future sequels as well. For example, Dante's ability to use both angelic and demonic weapons adds a nice tactical variation. The symbolism involved in angelic weapon's ability to move upward and that of demonic weapons to bring things downward is epic in my opinion.

Secondly the fusion of modern urban culture to the fantasy world has been seamlessly carried out by the Development Team. The urban settings, visuals, wall grafitti and level design is praiseworthy in this regard. The background of Dante and Virgil are nicely presented in outstanding grafitti art. Creation of opening portals to limbo dimension is reminiscent of science ficton's cliche gateway to parallel universe and adds a fine realistic touch.

Thirdly some well discussed elements from our modern day society like DJ Club cultures, demonic eyes disguised as security camera's prying into a citizen's privacy, population control through demonic chemicals disguised as popular soft drinks and the hypcricy of the modern day media on false political propaganda and even political imprisonment. Some later levels even depict the demonic and brainless nature of the multi billionaire corporate finacial sectors as a dark reflection of our present day economy.

Finally the actions, special moves and boss fights are fantastic as usual and even cooler than the previous titles.

That said, I think this is the Devil May Cry title that picks up the series from its fantasy domain and re-establishes it as a solid, mature and realistic title on par with our present global scenario.
投稿日 2017年11月23日. 最終更新日 2017年11月23日
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総プレイ時間:306.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:303.7時間)
I had to think quite a lot before writing the review of my favourite co-op zombie shooter. This is because I love co-op, I am obsessed with tactical shooters with realistic guns and ballistics, and zombie games are my favourite, all of which are in this game. Technically speaking, the enemies you encounter here are not Zombie as per the definition, but are Zeds, which are basically the outcome of a cloning experiment gone horribly wrong.

It’s awesome to think that how a co-op mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, which was also my favourite shooter back in my college days, had transformed into the world's most popular co-op zombie shooter just beside Left 4 Dead franchise, the former being more hardcore and tactical than the latter.

What fascinated me most about this can be summarised in the next few points:
1. Fine balance between perks, damage, health and ability of both the player and enemies.

2. Realistic weapon models, animation and ballistics.

3. The careful balance between "easiness" and "hardness", the thin line between the two never makes your playstyle neither too relaxed, nor an unfair punishment.

4. The difficulty level can be customized to fulfil the needs of all kinds of players.

5. Being an Unreal Engine game, it’s easy to create maps, mods or skins. Tons of them can be found in the steam workshop or the internet.

6. The very design of the game is the perfect recipe for awesome team play. It seems that the game has been made from ground up with teamwork in mind.

7. The class design is worth a mention here. They are designed in such a manner that all of them has both strong points and weak points and neither of them alone are sufficient enough to hold off all types of enemies. This factor forces a good amount of teamwork.

8. The gameplay itself allows little room for error, which makes every bit of win enjoyable and challenging.

I sincerely urge all the members of PC gaming community to play this awesome game at least once in their life or else they will be missing something.

Moral of the story: 100 out of 100, perfect score!

Update: The game was released in 2009. It's 2018 with still many players present in servers. Not many multiplayer games lives to see these days after 9 years. Well done devs !
投稿日 2016年11月27日. 最終更新日 2018年11月22日
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総プレイ時間:95.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:46.7時間)
A nice first person zombie shooter with good teamwork elements. The modding community is also great and supported by steam workshop. I recommend this to everyone who plays on steam.
投稿日 2013年9月30日.
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