scams attempted on me : Too many to count/care
Don't try , will only get you reported.
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Hopefully i am back
David if you see this then thank youu for being such an awesome friend. I hope you enjoy the HOPE for many years, n i wish you best luck.Thank you triggeredOtaku i loved your sniper rifle.
thank you all for the amazing memories.
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The sniper rifle is NOT for sale, it was a gift
Jayleen 🤼🏻‍♀ 11 Jan, 2020 @ 11:10am 
📗🌋👾 Performance review for Keepin it real 🌽🚘👑

Is somewhat casual with sensitive or confidential information, and may speak too freely to others. When dressed for the job, personal appearance and dress don’t stand out, but this person is always neat and tidy. Stays cool in an emergency, but needs help from others to take the right action quickly. Needs a supervisor to give instructions, but after receiving them gets on with the job. However, sometimes needs to come back and ask for more guidance.

💄 + 🎍 = 📀
rabbit soup 10 Aug, 2018 @ 2:40am 
Jackal here!
Cobra Verde 3 May, 2017 @ 9:21pm 
Added becuase you offered a patriot peak on my auction
ThePirateKiller 3 May, 2017 @ 4:14pm 
Would like to add for Scotsman's Stove Pipe
2fort land acknowledgement 3 May, 2017 @ 11:38am 
damn it the sniper rifle is not for sale lmao rip
2fort land acknowledgement 3 May, 2017 @ 11:37am 
*to trade