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10 av 30 (33%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Lifelong Scholar

Earn all College Degrees before you prestige.
Upplåst 2 mar @ 15:55

Devils Nectar

Prestige without Drinking Alcohol.
Upplåst 2 mar @ 15:55

Optimized Runner

Prestige in 365 Days.
Upplåst 2 mar @ 15:55

Speed Hunter

Find the Golden Egg in 365 Days.
Upplåst 3 mar @ 19:16

You are Worthy

Get the high score in Space Blasters.
Upplåst 1 mar @ 13:34

Quack Quack

Shoot 100 Gold Ducks
Upplåst 4 mar @ 1:56

Hunting Elephants

Own all the stocks.
Upplåst 3 mar @ 23:49

Another Star is Born

Collect all records.
Upplåst 3 mar @ 23:58

Walking Dead

Die 3 times before prestige.
Upplåst 4 mar @ 1:41

Master Blaster

Complete all arcade tournaments.
Upplåst 2 mar @ 14:50

Jack of all Traits

Prestige as all 4 different classes.

Tres Commas

Prestige with over 1 Billion Dollars in Net Worth.


Prestige 10 times.


Play 3000 Days before you prestige.


Prestige without eating meat.

No Hand Outs

Prestige without ever using the Money Tree.

Man's Best Friend

Take care of your dog for 365 days.


Own all hotels.


Max all stat careers.

Confirmed Wavy

Donate 100M to church.

Empire Business

Sell 100k Super Candy.


Complete all tasks for all 100 levels.

Run player run!

Complete all secret races.

Numbers go Up

Max all Ranks.

Save the Planet

Pull 1K trash out of the ocean.

The Collector

Find all six stones of power.

Dino King

Fill Mesozoic Park.


Collect 100 friend coins.

The End

Roll Credits.

God of Super Life

Collect all skins.