Andrew 31/mai./2019 às 19:10 
Hey Tim, any chance you could help me out by teaching me how to make wires for Cities Skylines? Yours look perfect. I'm trying to do it using Blender. Thanks!
qazwax01 26/jul./2018 às 3:32 
top, ik ben in ieder geval blij dat het niet van de baan is en september valt best mee. veel plezier in azië!
Angelo Luijkx 25/jul./2018 às 16:38 
@timtheterrible Bedankt voor je antwoord! Het heeft geen haast, vroeg het mij gewoon af haha :p
Tim The Terrible 24/jul./2018 às 19:28 
@qazwax01: Haha tja. Het liep allemaal anders dan verwacht en kreeg het na school heel druk en nu zit ik 5 weken in Azië. Ik mik op september nu, excuses.

@Angelo Luikx: No not really. I started Delft (old) station but never finished it. I study in Breda so I come through the station daily, so I would like to make it someday. No promises though, and not soon in any case.
qazwax01 23/jul./2018 às 4:47 
hey man,
eind april zei je dat de amerikaanse rails hopelijk rond mei uit zouden komen, als school niet in de weg zou zitten. nu is het vakantie, kunnen we de rails ergens binnenkort verwachten?
Angelo Luijkx 4/jun./2018 às 13:11 
Hey, nice stuff you have made.
Do you know some Dutch railway station in the workshop, I'm looking for something for Breda.
Thanks in advance!
Tim The Terrible 27/mai./2018 às 8:55 
Hey Banance. Thank you for your interest, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of time. Also I moved on to making train tracks instead of trains. You have a much better chance with asking REVO, Avanya (she is Danish) or maybe ron fu-ta. I hope you understand and good luck!
Daniel 27/mai./2018 às 2:20 
Hi Tim. I live in Denmark, and I would like to ask you if you could make this danish train:
The train gets pulled with a Litra ME locomotive:
The ME locomotive pulls the coaches, Litra ABS:
And here you can see the height:
I really hope you can make it. But only if you have time. Kind regards, Banance :steamhappy:
Bronto 20/mar./2018 às 12:14 
Can you accept my friend request, I need help with the MOM cities skylines mod :(
Ian - Semi-Happy 6/mar./2018 às 15:50 
Oh that'd be cool. And don't hate on the CF7. It's a wacky wonder.
Tim The Terrible 6/mar./2018 às 1:34 
I could make the first one when I have time again, second one is ugly. It will take some time as I am very busy.
Ian - Semi-Happy 5/mar./2018 às 20:49 
Yes I've seen his switcher. The ALCO RS-3. I'm looking for something more so like this:
Or the splendid CF7:
Tim The Terrible 5/mar./2018 às 5:34 
GiometryE is working on some switchers, he already made the props for them.
Ian - Semi-Happy 3/mar./2018 às 21:06 
@Timtheterrible is there any chance you could model the EMD MP15AC yard switcher? I've been searching the depths of C:S assets for one can't find a proper U.S. yard switcher.
Westrex 21/nov./2017 às 3:02 
Hi, I understand from ronyx69 that you have been playing with the traffic light shader.

I am looking for the shader ‘controls’ for the level crossing prop (up / down) movement.
I created a new prop, importing it using the existing prop as a template. The issue I have is the barrier now rotates clockwise 45 degrees instead of lowering & then counter clockwise 45 degrees instead of rising.
Changing the vertex color only reduces the amount of rotation.
I tried your ‘Traffic Light Shader Vectors script’ in game, first on the existing ‘Railway Crossing Short prop’ it worked perfectly!
I then tried it on my new prop, but I get a repaint error.
I’m sure I missing something, spent two days trying to find the problem with no progress.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Babou 16/ago./2017 às 14:39 
I understand and thank you for responding.
Tim The Terrible 16/ago./2017 às 10:18 
Hey Babou , I will eventually, but I have to find time, it needs quite some work and university is starting soon. Be patient and thanks for asking!
Babou 15/ago./2017 às 17:14 
Hi @Timtheterrible, are you going to release the CP 9100 train?
mcarn101 17/abr./2017 às 1:32 
@Timtheterrible tht's cool, just thought i'd check to see if the project was still ongoing because the screenshots on the simtropolis forum looked great :steamhappy:.

If you've got time you should definitely look at making the new Red and Purple Line Cars for LA. Thet've just announced this new rolling stock for the line (concept art):

Tim The Terrible 8/abr./2017 às 5:49 
@mcarn101 : Define 'soon' XD. We are working on it but our personal live got inbetween so it's taking a little longer than expected :(
mcarn101 8/abr./2017 às 4:29 
Hey @Timtheterrible, how's that LA Metro Project coming along? Is it being released soon?
Impact 18/nov./2016 às 0:45 
Hi! i'm currently try to make this intersection as an asset for the community:

and i thought i can use your help, if you can, please accept my friend request.
RISTORANTESALAMI 20/set./2016 às 6:03 
Waratah B set 21/jul./2016 às 0:38 
Hi good sir can i add you as a frand?
BrowncoatTrekky 20/jul./2016 às 15:32 
Many thanks. Since my last post, additional changes were requested and the asset may wind up different altogether. I will update you again prior to its release.
Tim The Terrible 20/jul./2016 às 14:27 
@BrowncoatTrekky: That's totally fine with me :)
BrowncoatTrekky 19/jul./2016 às 23:33 
I recently commisioned your (CN) Freight Express Train. The asset will be shorter and include a caboose. You and Acc3ss Violation will be cited as the original creators with a link to your asset. I intend on publicly releasing this asset for those who may prefer the shorter train. Please let me know if that will be a problem.
Waratah B set 14/jul./2016 às 0:42 
Hi can i add you as a frand PS: i have subscribe to you on youtube ;)