Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
i am so stoked my dudes

I only add people AT LEAST level 129 (Like, come on, it costs literally nothing to get to that level, poorfags). Also, MUST be a global on CS:GO like me, an rank 18 in the TF2 competitive match making system, once again, like me. No VACs and your TF2 (Team Fortress Two) inventory must have at least 10 unusuals and cost at the minimum $2,500. And your CS:GO (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) inventory MUST have at least 5 knives and 5 gloves, 12 knives, or 10 gloves, a long with an overall price of $2,500. I don't add poor people, sorry, kiddo', but this isn't Africa. Also must be female, be willing to play games with me and voice chat EVERY day, and lastly anorexic. I don't like fat girls. If you meet all of those requirements please add me, I'm a very friendly player and love everyone! ^w^

yo so the craziest ♥♥♥♥ just happened like 10 minutes ago ima try my best to explain. so i go to a small alternative school and everyone ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ smokes (200 kids) cus the school work is easy as long as you attend you pass right so me and the homie are in the bathroom getting high and reenergizing for the day and this kid walks in like yo is that a vape and my bud is like uhh yeah (not really sure what the kid was asking). so said kid is like yoo lemme hit that and my friend just passes it hesitantly and my friends like “yeah make sure u hold it in for a sec” and the kid takes a massive ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rip and holds, then proceeds to cough for like 20 seconds and during this time i’m starting to figure out what’s happening and i’m like “dude u know that’s weed right”. like i just assumed since he saw the cart i mean he’d know right. i start saying it was weed and you’ll be fine but the kid is like a fish outta water and just stumbles out the bathroom.

I can’t help but laugh my ass off but on the way back i start realizing dude had no idea what he hit and most likely a low tolerance and is probably freaking out. call me an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but i honestly though he knew. i honestly feel awful so i’m back in the bathroom waiting to see if maybe he’d come back but just thought i’d share this.

Is this incest?
Okay, I don't know if this is actually incest since it wasn't something actually sexual in the technical sense but here goes.
When I was little my mom used to put a buttplug in me (which she called a poop plug) and I'd wear it all the time. I was told only to take it out to poop, wipe my , then put it back in.
I was really young so I thought this was just something everybody did but one time at school I dropped it when I flushed the toilet and it ended up getting flushed. So when I went back to class I told my teacher that my poop plug got flushed down the toilet. She had no idea what I was talking about so she sent me to the school nurse.
Well after trying to explain what a poop plug was for 15 minutes the school calls the police. The police ask me all these questions and at first I'm scared because I think I'm in trouble for losing my poop plug. Turns out my mom has schizophrenia and was making me wear this so Satan couldn't stick his ♥♥♥♥ in my pooper and make me gay.
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you can put stuff on your head
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Marty and the Pinheads 23 Feb @ 11:01am 
hey iamfg, we used to do talk about jailbreak maps way back and I'm developing a game rn and thought of you, lets talk soon if you're down?
Throedoe 18 Feb @ 1:54pm 
sure man, add me
voithia 18 Sep, 2024 @ 3:43pm 
+rep zu viel lyrica
louie 18 Sep, 2024 @ 3:38pm 
+rep auslaender
Caesar- 11 Feb, 2024 @ 3:02pm 
~Anthony 12 Dec, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
+rep play and cheaters